smokers disgusting

why do people smoke?

Answer #1

See im a smoker. I want pressured into it or anything. I know its bad and the risks. But you do get a nicoteen high for the first few months that you smoke. Also it leaves a good taste in your mouth.

Now I dont recomend for ANY of you guys to start smoking. dont do it. If you want to smoke anything smoke pot not cigerettes. Pot actually gives you a good high the nocoteen doesnt. I do it now because I cant stop. I have been cutting down to try to stop but its hard.

Answer #2

Fact: smoking makes them feel relaxed Fact: its the deep breaths Fact: they get addicted to nicateen (spelling check needed)

Myth: It makes me feel good Myth: it doesnt hurt Myth: Smoking improves your mood Myth: Smoking is cool and sexy.

Many do it because they belive the myths.

Answer #3

I don’t know why! It’s horrible and disgusting! I would never do it

it can cause: bad breath yellow teeth health problems skin breaks out sluggish and week you will cough much more I can tell you that! well that’s really all hopefully I answered whatever it is you wanted to know (by the way: If you quit smoking your health improves fast!)

Answer #4

jasmine101, thats one of the worst thinsg you could say in its defense “it made me feel cooler’ well if screwing up your health is “cool” nowdays then you can keep doing it but other people should be smart enough to not want to try something like smoking just to be “cool” no one really cares whats cool and what isnt, and if they are there not living life

Answer #5

its addicting, so most of them cant stop some idiots do it because they think its cool other idiots do it to surpress there hunger some people use it as a way to solve there problems some people do it in there spare time some people are peer pressured into it but most people still dont know all the horrible risks that come with smoking

Answer #6

People only start to smoke for their image. It sad really. And dont say “I smoked for the very first time to help me relax” because the first time you do it it does not relax you at all. People who smoke are very easily led and influenced by other people, they are like sheep. There is no reason good enough to ever take up smoking, such a waste of money…

Answer #7

I started smoking cause at school it was “cool” lol only cool people smoke.. umm then I continues cause I heard you loose weight and I always wanted to be skinny.. now I stopped after 20months of trying to quit lol… and I only stopped cause of my partner he hated it.. it was so0o hard to stop

Answer #8

its an addiction to niccotine

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