How many people (who don't live in the USA) actually like the USA?

Answer #1

because i know a lot of people don’t like us

Answer #2

Let’s just say I’d like it a hell of a lot more if I hadn’t met so many rude obnoxious Americans in my short sixteen years.

Answer #3

I love it! i love everything about the USA, the people, the food, the history. I have a deep obsession with American people, they are all incredible and i would do anything to live there!

Answer #4

The USA isn’t particularly portrayed in a positive way sometimes, the USA can come across as Obnoxious and think they’re ‘higher’ if that makes sense?

Every country has their bad/good points and I do like the USA. Although I do prefer my home country :)

Answer #5

Honestly, there are people outside of the US who like us and there are people outside of the US who don’t. I don’t let it bother me because I truly believe it’s the same here as it is in other countries. Yes, we are painted in a bad light by some, but isn’t it the same here? Think of how our own media portrays others in a negative way (the French, the Russians and basically every Middle Eastern country are just a few examples that come to mind). And as for meeting rude Americans-there are A LOT of rude people in our country. But in my short trip to Europe I met some incredibly rude locals and some that were incredibly friendly to our group. You’re going to find good and bad in every country, it’s just how the world works.

Answer #6

America may have it’s faults, but we are the most generous people in the world. Our government sends billions of tax dollars to other countries while we have people in need here. When tragedies happen someplace else they send money and aid. But what does anyone do for us when something happens over here?

Answer #7

Well I’m European, and I live in America and love it! Except what I hate is some (not saying all) but some Americans (in my opinion) Have a cocky attitude like I remember someone telling me “America is the best we invented everything” and when people ask why some people hate America, an American would reply like, cause we’re awesome , or comeback with Swag, something we americans got. but of course most people thing their country is awesome , but it gets annoying . with all countries,.. xD well thats just my opinion

Answer #8

Did you know that billions of dollars worth of food is exported to the US every year from Kenya (a country experiencing one of the worst famines the world has ever seen)? They do that even if it means they can’t feed their own people. Still think you’re the most generous people in the world?

Answer #9

i dont like usa

Answer #10

Okay then..

Answer #11

Dont have to be so rude about it. Geez.

Answer #12

I don’t recall being rude? Just stating a fact….

Answer #13

This + your reply to this question i found kinda rude..

Answer #14

I think there’s a difference between people and politics.

I absolutely do not like US-American foreign politics nor do I like US-American global companies. Because they are bullies and they suck. I also think that US-American social and economical politics is complete and utter cr4p, but that doesn’t distress me much. Because I don’t live there.

What I do like about America is normal folks who live there… as well as most aspects of typical American mentality.

You people really gotta work on your PR… and kick all those greedy, bossy, lobbyist puppets out of your leading positions. (sigh which is just about the same thing that we gotta do) Other than that, I like the USA.

Answer #15

If you can’t understand or respect others point of views then that’s your problem hahah.

Answer #16

I have to agree with that. I have had American people telling me the only reason I have any kind of education is because the US sent us missionaries. I have had American people talk to me like I wear grass skirts and live in huts because I live in the South Pacific. The comments from people here only back this up. Comments about America being the most generous country in the world are not only arrogant, they are ignorant.

Answer #17

I havent been there, so I cant say definitively whether I like it or not. However, I dont really have any interest in going there. The culture doesnt appeal, and I dont like how loud and obnoxious American people can be (not saying they all are. I know Americans I really like).

Answer #18

Thank you! I also know some amazing people from the US it’s just that a lot of people ruin it for others with their high and mighty attitudes. What is also obvious is that they don’t like it when we express something they don’t like. THAT, is rude.

Answer #19

And who exactl are the Kenyans givning the food to over here? Yes, we are the most generous people in the world.

Answer #20

Congratulations, you’ve just provided everyone with a perfect example of mine, The Leeks and Danielle’s answers! XD

Answer #21

makes sense.

Answer #22

well, when you say they give it to us..we are paying for it

Answer #23


Answer #24

@Gabby, I respect the fact that you have your own opinion, but you were rude. And you were rude, once again after that. And you call us rude and obnoxious! I simply think that you could have stated your opinion a bit better put and thats all.

Answer #25

Gabby have you ever thought that maybe not ALL of us are “High and mighty”, “Rude and obnoxious”? And once again, No to the whole us not liking it when you express something we don’t like. Im fine when people express there own opinion. But nobody likes a comment when they find it offensive. And to Danielle, just because a couple of Americans have told you that, doesnt mean the whole load of us all think that way. Dam guys way to discriminate.

Answer #26

i live here.and who ever told you amercia invented everything is stupid.haha im even an amercian. im some times agree that some American are cocky and stupid. but then again i think everything country has people like that. but i also love America.

Answer #27

Um, have you ever thought of actually reading other’s comments before you jump to conclusions? Please read the first part of the second sentence in my comment again. Hopefully your brain can comprehend what that means. :)

Answer #28

You know I really dont care , its a stupid dramatic argument. No matter how long we go at it we probably wont agree. I really dont give a right now, no offense meant. Its just a pointless argument. Not gonna be rude or anything, but Id like to end this convo cause its pretty pointless and Im really just not in the mood. Thanks.

Answer #29

The only rude and obnoxious person that I have seen so far is Gabby. If she acted that way in my neighborhood she would be humbled in very short order ;)

Answer #30

Gladly. :)

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