oh! those crazy boyfriends.

okay, this is crazy, asking strangers about whether you should break up with him or not, but that’s exactly what I need right now. I’ve been meaning to break up with him for some time and I decided I would a couple days ago but he wouldn’t talk to me. see, he has anxiety problems and depression. and lately, it’s gotten a lot worse. so perhaps right now isn’t the best time to end the relationship? I don’t know. all I know is that I want it to be over because I can’t be with him. I will be there for him after but as a friend, nothing else. is it okay to leave him if I’m going to come back as a friend to support?

thank you, my little funadvice peeps! (:

Answer #1

thank you soo, so much. (: you’re right, I should just end things before it gets too deep and hope everything will be okay. but I do hope he’ll want to stay friends. impossible, I know. but thanks again!

Answer #2

yea, I think you should end it now also. the longer you let it go on the more it’ll hurt. it’s clear that while he may not be the one for you, you do care for him. so try and be there for him afterwards, you sound like you’d make a great friend for him. all the best mate.

Answer #3

well I think that you should end it, but im not sure if he’ll want to see you ever again, especially since he’s in depression and has anxiety. But as you said it got worse and unless something else comes into his life in a week or so to perk him up it’s not going to get better. So I’d end it now before it gets any worse.

hope this helps and good luck…

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