Can I ask any doctor for an std test?

Can I ask any doctor for an std test?

Answer #1

If you are in question if you have a std…….by all means ask your family doctor to do some tests and if you are a woman any woman’s clinic will do these tests for you.

It is best to find out now and deal with it than let it spread onto others.

Practice safe sex always .

Let me know how it turns out for you and Good Luck


Answer #2

ya you just have to be careful not to mess it up, but it is safe.. really..

Answer #3

Of course but if you are young or without insurance or don’t want anyone to know then you can always go to planned parenthood. They check for everything. For free if you have symptoms or suspect you have something.

Answer #4

You can ask any certified medical doctor, for most any medical related tests.

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