What kind of addiction is the most harmful to your health?

Answer #1

i think its either drug or food addiction

Answer #2

Anything can be the worse one….any can destroy a person to the point he has no home family or even food….let alone will to live.

People may think drug…but it is the person in most cases and NOT the thing they are addicted to that does the serious harm to mental and physical health.

Answer #3

I’d say cutting is a pretty bad addiction, because so many people are doing it. Also drug..

Answer #4

Nobody has answered smoking yet……

Answer #5

Hair on is the worst addiction I think, and I don’t really mean hair on but it won’t let me put the word I want

Answer #6

Why can we not say certain words…have freedom of speech?

Answer #7

Smoking, dr*gs, alcohol and gambl!ng can, each in their own way, destroy peoples’ lives.

Answer #8

so we can say the words if we spell them wrong….hmmm

Sorry,i was thinking out aloud there:)

Answer #9

It depends on the addiction and how addicted the person is, alcohol addiction is certainly a lot worse than cigarettes and dru.gs can be worse than alcohol. It all depends how it affects the person’s life and health.

Answer #10

he-ro-in . coz once ur hooked ..ur life,.ur family,.ur lover.. evrything changes!!

Answer #11

lol.. funny u went with hair!!

Answer #12

Meth is by far the most destructive addiction nowadays. It is really ruining people and it’s said to be the most addictive.

Answer #13

I would say cutting is a extremely bad addiction because it creates damage immediately and a small slip up can leave someone dead. It can lead to infection, blood loss, nerve damage and many more things. A lot of people cut but not many people would even think it can be addictive but it is and the addiction never leaves even if your clean for tens of years. Dr*gs are also bad but from what I know it takes some time before they start destroying the body(I’m not an expert so I can be wrong)

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