What is good or even great about America?

In recent years, we’ve heard a great deal about - why they hate us - and about why America is so bad - What is good or even great about America ?

Answer #1

“My faith in the American people is actually a faith in this country, because I do believe it’s been blessed by God, and that’s the source of my optimism.”

Answer #2

Say, I’m an american. I don’t bother with any countries. I like them all. where are you from cause americans we support many many countries.

Answer #3

actuly harmany there is you just dont know because you live in town im guessing. and americas great if you compare use to alot of the other countries most of out population has a good home, can eat at night, and we can say and do what we want toup to the point except treason and murder.

Answer #4

not much, i’d like to tell u one of the bigest a**hole’s who is causeing death’s and unnessisary war’s!! BUT, i’ll leave that alone, one of the good thing’s about america is there’s hardly NO wild animal’s here,we dont have the best system but it’ll do.

Answer #5

America is great because I can Worship who I want and where I want when I want with out wondering who’s gonna arrest me and I may own a Gun to protect my home and to hunt with I may speak either Good or bad of my Government with out the fear of Jail And I Can travel and work anywhere I choose. . . . . our highway system is second to none And most of all. . . . . .WE HAVE WALMART!

Answer #6

The United States is the greatest because of the system of government we have. And the constitution/bill of rights.

As someone who has lived in another country, I can tell you, there is one thing that makes the U.S. work. Checks and Balances.

This is something that Americans truly do not appreciate. In the vast majority of other countries (including many European democracies) there are no checks and balances. The governing majority can generally do what they want.

CHeck out the simple genius of it:

2 years for house of representatives 4 years for presidents 6 years for senators Lifetime for judges

All overlapping. All requiring the approval of the other before dramatic legislation can pass. In other countries, a friend of mine said as an example.. the government can mandate that all fences be painted green, then afterwards raise the taxes on green paint. Not so easy to do it here.

Then also, the constitution and the bill of rights. Prevents the tyranny of the majority from destroying the minority.. as have happened in almost every other country worldwide. As a minority, I can really appreciate that.

And finally, the rights in the constitution and laws apply to every soul that sets foot on American soil. So it means that even though illegal immigrants break the law in coming here, they have the full protection of the rights under the constitution.

From time to time, governments can try to roll back the protections that we have, but generally in a few years they are re-instated.

True, we’re in a difficult time right now as far as that is concerned, but I am confident the the system will correct itself in the next several years.

Answer #7

America is the only nation in the history of the world to be held together by the glue of an idea.

There is no “American ethnicity.” There is no common religion. There isn’t even a common language (although its more standard than many European nations). This nation was founded on principles that are relatively easy to understand, and most people can respect, if not fully agree with.

Even if our government isn’t perfect, and even if the actual people who run it screw it up, there is always something to fall back on. There is always a source of renewal in the writings of the founders. It’s true that they were only men, and they got some things wrond, and we have gotten other things wrong since then, but the combined wisdom of the people will eventually bring us around (hopefully).

I think its interesting btw that George Washington and several of the other founders said that the American system would be completely unworkable if the people did adhere to a Christian morality. That may not be in the founding laws, but its something to think about

Answer #9

The tiny skyscrapers are great. The fact that America refuses to build tall skyscrapers is very great. What is Great about Dubai Burj Dubai 2008- 3200 feet, 950 meters. Yeah that is pretty great. Empire State Building 1931- 1,200 feet, 381 meters. Okay, if that’s the best you can do.

Answer #10

Some Great views from around America - one richly blessed nation !! http://oldbluewebdesigns.com/mybeautifulamerica.htm

Answer #11

I think America is the greatest country in the world but I don’t think it is perfect.

To me the thing that makes America great is the fact that I can criticize it in areas where I feel it falls short. We are a nation of laws but they work both ways; we have a Bill of Rights that are laws the government itself must follow to respect the rights of citizens.

I remember durring the Vietnam conflict people saying, “America, love it or leave it.” To this sort of person anything short of unconditionally following the government is tantamount to treason. I believe exactly the opposite; those who love America the most are the ones who want it to be the best it can possibly be, get involved, and constantly challenge it to be better.

America started to fall short of the lofty ideals of the founding fathers a few decades after the revolution. Today as I see it the single most troubling trend is the increasing amount of power that corporations and industry have on our government. The common man can not hire a lobbiest to bribe (make that, contribute to) politicians to act in their best interest but big business sure can. We need a revolution, not a liberal or conservative revolution but a populist revolution. We need to make government work for everyone rather than for corporations and the wealthy.

Our constitution grants rights and power to individuals not corporations but as it stands now corporations have all the power. We vote but the best predictor of who wins elections is which politican has the biggest war chest and which politicians corporate media backs.

We have made some grave mistakes in foreign policy over the years. Like I said in another post, “you can not change the past, you can only learn from it.” Many times our current government seems to have not learned from the past.

Most of our Bill of Rights is under assualt buy those who say that they need to take away our rights to protect us from our enemy. Personally I’d rather be freer even if it ment my life would be in incrementally greater danger. I think of the students of Virginia Tech as heros because after the awful massacre they said that they didn’t want a gated campus with metal detectors at every door; they wanted an open campus. They wanted to experience a free campus where everyone was welcome even though it did make it possible for another malcontent to endanger them. The number of Americans that die at the hands of terrorists is tiny compared to the number that die of heart attacks, cancer, and auto accidents but fear of terrorism has lead us to bankrupt our government, give up our hard faught for rights, and overthrow and invade a country that not only didn’t attack us but wasn’t even a threat.

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