What is your Political Stance?

The headlining question says it all. What’s your political stance? From Anarchy to Dictator.

Answer #1

Exactly, Caffienetripp, freedom does have its limits. I am personally an independent. I don’t agree with everything on EITHER side. I once was an Anarchist, but if you boil down to everything it cannot be a possibility, not without the streets getting out of hand. As humans, we need to be lead by someone of some sort of higher authority, but just to make sure that leaders will have concerns such as, the environment, safer streets, gay rights, the rights of ALL religions, animal rights, fighting terrorism WITHOUT the use of hostile invasions on another countries, helping those in povery as much as possible and free college education (their’s free public schools, why not free public college??).

I am considered a socialist. I’m not sure if I could agree with all of what the beliefs are in the socialist parties, but I’ll stick with what’s right.

Answer #2

In what shape or form? Freedom has it’s limits. As Hobbes wrote, we can have complete freedom, but at a price. And that price is generally at human life. And, as Locke said, we can have freedom, but not complete freedom. We must give up some of our freedoms for the greater good. Freedom comes in two forms, complete and utter freedom; Anarchy, and the freedom that Locke describes; one with a price. So, what’s your political stance?

Answer #3

Small government. The way America is SUPPOSED to be.

Answer #4


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