Is it bad to practice Withcraft?

Are all forms of Witchcraft/Wiccan/Wizardry bad? My cousin has recently decided to stray from her Catholic faith to become a Wiccan. (I’m really sorry if I’m getting anything wrong with any of this, but I’m very unfamiliar with the subject, and do not discriminize against this religion at all!) I was just wondering, since most of my family seems to think that she is joining some sort of evil club and is going to try to kill us all, is any of Wiccan/Witchcraft good? I honestly, as a grown woman, have never looked into it, and I am hoping to get some input from practioners. I have never seen it as a bad thing, but everyone in my family seems to think it is bad. Are there any parts of Wiccan/Witchcraft that are totally good? Thanks and I’m really sorry if I seem ignorant or offend anyone.

Answer #1

Yea Witchcraft is said to be badnews and bad to be contacting or seeking the advice of anyone who practices it all throughout the bible. And all that cloirvoyance and witchy stuff is belived by a lot of people who dont understand that Jesus and God have set very strict rules about this subject and isnt to be delved into or played with because its demons trying to get into your head disguised as more spiritual elements, basically like a trojan horse virus for your soul.

Wiccan comes under a different category, people just think they are witches from the way they act, I think they are more like hippies but thats just me. Wiccan is mostly a variant of stocism - An ancient religion where everythign is said to have a small soul or energy and when it dies it joins the collective world soul to be reassimilated into other worldly organisms or elements.

In the bible Wiccan would be classified as a “false religion” and numerous parts of the bible talk about false religions and how they can be harmful to you. What you should do is talk to her about whether or not Wiccan is a better choice than catholicism and try talking to her about more spiritual christian churches as Catholicism is a very conservative church possibly she could try a penticostal or Seventh day eventist church where more spiritual practices are taken in christianity.

Otherwise its her life and if God wants her to learn a lesson from this lifestyle change he will bring her back to his church eventually.

Answer #2

I myself am NOT a practitioner, but maybe this might clear things up for you.

…probably not… u___u

Answer #3

The Wiccan practice is relatively new. It comes from Gerald Gardner who started the Gardnarian witches sometime in the 40’s or 50’s. There are many different paganistic and polytheistic religions. One polytheistic religion was the worship of the olympian gods (Zeus, Aphrodite, Hermes, etc…). My job as someone who offers advice isn’t to convert you to a specific religion, it is to help you understand the question, “Is it bad to practice Witchcraft?” To that I would answer: what do you consider bad? I’m certain deep down in your being when you do something “wrong” you get nervous (possibly butterflies). So, you would know what the exact feeling of “bad” is; or what your concept of bad is. Subjectively, there isn’t an “up” or “down,” If you point down into the world, your pointing to China’s “up”. One thing is for certain, all religions morph. According to the Bible, Solomon practiced witchcraft, but was reprimanded by God for doing so. There have been numerous documentations of Solomon’s exploits, such as: The Upper Key of Solomon and The Lower Key of Solomon. Always ask you gut whether something is bad or not. It will yield you the best answer.

Answer #4

As SIMPLE as that!!! Who created us?!? GOD!!! Who made the universe?!? God… Who made our brain to think?!? GOD… since he created our brain… then, you must have thank him…so, use your brain carefully !!! >>> GOD created everything… life and death… to the end of judgement!!! so, what has to do with the witchcraft thing?!? does it even help you anyway … after life?!?

Answer #5

The Wiccan practice is relatively new. It comes from Gerald Gardner who started the Gardnarian witches sometime in the 40’s or 50’s.

Gardner was the one who ‘’popularized’’ Wicca, in the 50s. The actual Wiccan practices have been around much longer than that.

Answer #6

Depends on what you believe? As far as I’m concerned, it isnt too different from practicing any other religions… (I mean they all have elements of the fantastical, all believe in some kind of magic, all have some sort of chanting or prayer if you will…). Things can only effect you if you believe they can… otherwise… they’re just a bunch of words…

Answer #7

…probably not… u___u

Hey, I’ve got to try internal links SOMETIMES :)

I always direct people away from here.

Answer #8

missy angel waht information do you have that validates YOUR belief that your god created the universe etc and over others beliefs? christianity isnt even as old as wicca, so what information do you have that proves that your beliefs on the afterlife etc are better and more accurate than wiccans or anyone elses? not to mention you said “does it even help you anyway…after life?” if you did your research before you judged so harshly then maybe you would realize that wiccans have theyr own beief about what happens after life, and you should respect that, or atleast be better informed. for those of you who “believe in the bible and in god and jesus” and then judge very harshly, maybe you should read the bible again, and instead of reading it and learning to hate and judge, read it and see the good messages that are in it, like love everyone, etc.

Answer #9

but I say just trust in God

Yep, and be ignorant to the world around you and judge all other because you do not understand their beliefs. I believe that BEFORE you judge, you should first learn about something.

Wicca is JUST ANOTHER religion and it is VERY misunderstood, especially by a lot of Christians who REFUSES to learn about other beliefs and cultures.

I myself am NOT a practitioner, but maybe this might clear things up for you.

Answer #10

I am a christian, I believe in God and I beliebe in the bible…the bible says that god doesnt want us messing with witchcraft and wizardy and stuff because it is basically satin messing with our heads…we have to have the strength and faith to ignore it or resist it…I find it really sad that your cousin converted from God to Witchcraft…witchcrat offers no answers…honestly I know nothing about it nor do I want to, so im sry if im offending any one, but I say just trust in God, stray from evil as much as possible, (noone is perfect, including my pregnant self) and just talk to your cousin and see what you can do…any thing is possible through Gods love and forgivenss! :)

Answer #11

Yeah, and the like, meaning don’t participate in any Pagan rituals or practices… yet…

December 25th… PAGAN Easter… PAGAN crosses… PAGAN easter bunny… PAGAN easter eggs… PAGAN yule logs… PAGAN xmas trees… PAGAN xmas wreaths… PAGAN kissing under the mistletoe… PAGAN Santa Claus… PAGAN

…you bunch of sinners… u___u

Answer #12

Wicca is a new aged religion that does not practice dark arts- notice I said dark, not evil. They mostly believe in the 3 fold law, you reap what you sow x3, so I doubt if she’s into wicca that she’ll be doing any killing. As for magick in general, there’s no good or bad, it all depends on the person. If she’s a good person I believe she’ld be doing good things with it. Simple as that. Oh, another thing to think about, Christianity reap their beliefs and practices from other religions & practices, including pagan & witchcraft.

Answer #13

wicca is a very old, peaceful, religion. their number one rule is “and if it harm none, do what ye will” there is nothing evil about wicca, they believe any evil in the world is created by man (such as judgment, violence, etc) I just want to say that I admire you because I havnt met many people that actually ask questions etc if their family feels one way about something, I think its great that you asked, if more people stopped and thought for themselves instead of just going with whatever they were taught first, the world would be more pleasant. thank you. nevada305 could learn something from you.

Answer #14

I was wiccan for a little while, and still base some of my athiesm around this, I have a close friend who is also wiccan. Nooo… its nothing bad. she will not be killing no one. They don’t practice witchcraft. Witchcraft is totally different from Wiccans. If you tell a wiccan if they practice witchcraft they will get offended. Wiccans just revolve around energies. Thats pretty much it…

Answer #15

Historically, witches have been the ones being killed, not the ones doing the killing.

Answer #16

It says in the Bible to stay away from all sorts of witchcraft and the like.

Answer #17

…before this turns into another stupid argument… give us YOUR definition of ‘’good’’ and ‘’bad’’

Answer #18

it depends on your beliefs but I think its very bad and the only way is jesus :)

Answer #19

Withcraft is a very difficult religion that includes lots of prepositions.

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