If god created you then why is it wrong to be gay?

Then why do people say its wrong to be gay?

I mean, he created gay people like this… Seriously if your not gay you cannot disagree on “oh you choose to be gay” because you DONT. And how hypocriticle to give your oppinion and not be open to anyone elses. Im saying its a known fact you cannot choose to be gay.

How about a woman to choose to be gay, it wouldnt seem right because shes trying to be gay… get me? Gosh!

Answer #1

orion - let him who is without sin cast the first stone… maybe you should try and remember your own religious figure’s golden rule before casting judgement on anyone…

Answer #2

ana luna, animals and human beings are completely different. Please do not compare us to animal behavior.

Our Creator made us male for female, not same sex partners.

The homosexual lifestyle is an abomination unto the Lord. God does not make sin and that lifestyle is and “enormous” sin. The Holy Word of God, the Bible states:

“What does the Bible teach about practicing homosexuality? Romans 1:26-27, NIV. “Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.”

Is practicing homosexuality a sin? Leviticus 18:22, TLB. “Homosexuality is absolutely forbidden, for it is an enormous sin.”

Can a practicing homosexual go to heaven? I Corinthians 6:9, TLB. “Don’t you know that those doing such things have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who live immoral lives, who are idol worshippers, adulterers or homosexuals—will have no share in his kingdom.”

Answer #3

Short and simple there are no gods there is only one God. He is watching over believers and none believers.

I think this is where God sees His work being done.

All people who believe in Him and spread His word with true faith that at least one soul will be reached out of thousands who read these QA’s, because here people here are searching for answers.

All I can say to you grasshopper is that, my son confided that he is gay. This was about 3years ago. At that time I was crushed my faith was tested, but through prayer and searching I have come to accept what God has in store for me. We all have a purpose in life whether you believe in God or not. Just got to find out what it is for each and everyone of us.

My son is an active member of our church and he has told me that if God is to condemn him for being who he is God will do it not the church people. Therefore I choose not to judge him because I am not God. After all who doesn’t have an ultimate sin. Nobody is perfect in God’s eyes and if you think you are than you better read His word and start understanding the teachings because it’s not for us to judge our brothers and sisters.

Out of everything I know and to narrow it to one word that is universal it’s all about LOVE and I have lots of it especially for my son. I will never turn my back on him no matter who he is. He respects me I have never seen him act out what he claims to be. He has suffered enough and I will never serve as the rock he stumbles over. Let God be the judge of his life.

Answer #4

There are no gods. Problem solved.

Answer #5

You make interesting points. I looked on something about gay men, and in their brain, I don’t know how to say this but they have more “femine juice” or maybe it’s estrogen, which attracts them more to men. I’m not sure if they have a whole lot of testosterone, I think they do…it goes the same for girls…so we know they don’t choose to be, they just end up being that way.

Answer #6

I agree wit orion you CHOOSE to be that way God didnt create people that way like its been said he created adam and eve not adam and steve bob or georg or lisa and lacey, its man and woman. its all by choice which way you flow

Answer #7

The homosexual lifestyle is an abomination unto the Lord, and ENORMOUS sin.

Homosexuals choose to be that way, God does not make sin.

God did not make woman for woman nor man for man, but man for woman…

Answer #8

Well, as I just stated to this one guy I believe that it was miss interpreted, perhaps by a person whose afraid of homosexual. In the raping of Sodom the man offers his virgin daughters to these gay dudes. Later the town is destroyed, yes, but he WAS punished. His daughters got him drunk & had sex with him, he impregnating them. What could be more shameful to an elderly gentleman than to be raped by 2 young women, making it worse his DAUGHTERS! I don’t think it was wrong to have sexual relations with the same sex, but to allow your own daughters to be rapped, rapping is a sin, not homosexuality! & you know what’s odd, in the bible it only states it’s a sin for MEN to be gay. I’ve done research & supposedly it’s becouse 1 of the men have to “lower” theirself to the female level, which, I think, is completly belivable do to the fact that women were revered to as infierer to men.

Answer #9

There are ministries that work deliverance, for what ever sin that one struggles with, if they choose to reach out to them. And I believe that children are not born this way, they are either interfered with, as children, or familar spirits are operating in their lives. That makes them feel like they were born this way, when in reality they were not. If they believe the bible, and seek deliverance it can be obtained. However, this is one of the hardest things there is to deal with, and they need much love and support after being saved, to be delivered and to be able to walk out that deliverance.

Here are a couple of links on deliverance ministries :

Deliverance Ministry http://www.ministeringdeliverance.com/

Answer #10

There’s several ways of looking at it from the religious perspective…

  1. God didn’t create gay people, you’re not born gay, it is a choice… (science has not proven a direct genetic link… although something like the chance of being gay is 45-50% if your identical twin is gay, there’s still that other 50% to take into account…)

  2. Whether or not God created gay people, homosexual acts (note, it is the actual act of sex between two men and two women that is expressly forbidden) are still sinful and so they must abstain from them…

Well atleast those are the arguments I’ve heard…

Answer #11

“Those who live immoral lives, who are idol worshippers, adulterers or homosexuals—will have no share in his kingdom.’”

grasshopper, you should know that the above reference is a flagrant mistranslation of 1 Cor 6:9, which does NOT use the word homosexual in the original Greek. The phrase Paul uses instead is arsenokoitēs, which is an ambiguous term since it is not found anywhere else in his letters, and rarely in any other Christian Greek writing. It is unclear, therefore, what exactly Paul is referring to. He is possibly referring to the Leviticus law, but he may also be referring to pederasty (much more likely), or anal intercourse in general (including with women). There is no consensus on what this term means, and to simply say it means “homosexual” is sloppy. Remember, don’t always buy what’s in an English version of the Bible, find out what the original says.

Although homosexuality is forbidden under the Torah, there is nothing in the Gospels, or in the rest of the New Testament, that explicity condemn homosexual behavior, nor advise homosexuals to seek “treatment” for their “condition”.

I say again, the NT is far more concerned with people judging each other and helping the needy than with homosexuality.

Answer #12

NO all of you’s go f* yourselfs. god loves everyone.

Answer #13

Great point ty.

And God created Eve to be adams partner.

Adam and eve Not adam and steve.

Answer #14

I think god loves everyone. im gay. im 15. and people say that you choose to be gay. but I hate that I am it makes my life suck im not honest with people im scared. and people say you choose but do strait people decide that they like the opposite sex or do you just automatically like them. like I automatically liked guys. please excuse the content. I get hard when I see hot guys. strait guys get hard when they see hot girls. I dont to girls. strait guys dont to guys. so. am I right.

Answer #15

Oh I see. :)

Answer #16

lol_thatsfunny - I should point out that I am gay… I was not making a point, simply explaining it from a christian perspective (I actually have the ability to see things from other points of view)

Answer #17

lol thats all fine and dandy and all but have any of you done any research on homosexuality at all? are you aware that there are over 1500 species of animals who exhibit homosexual tendencies? I understand that you “beliefs” are a good way to back up what you internally disagree with but maybe you should start looking at logic and evidence. if this is a learned behavior can you explain to me why animals who have no human contact are also homosexual? go to a search engine and type in homosexuality in animals and see what comes up.

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