How do I ask my Mom for birth control?

So I’m 15 years old and I have a boyfriend. I have already have had sex with him but want to make sure I won’t get pregnant and would really like to get on birth control. My parents know I’ve had sex before and my mom especially didn’t react very well. I want to be safe (we already use condoms) and really do not want o get pregnant. I need help on how to start the conversation, what to do if she starts to cry or get upset, or how to react when she gets angry. I need your help!

Answer #1

You shouldn’t be having sex, it’s an easy as that. You’re a baby, and babies should not be doing things married couples do.

Answer #2

You have every rite to birth control.. go and see your Dr yourself and just ask him… Drs know that your age croup also needs birth control… you will not be turned down you could also go and see a clinic and get them.. no one needs to know other wise.. good on you for thinking along these lines rather than be faced telling your arents you are pregnant..

Good luck

Answer #3

I agree with fluteplayer… its a proven fact that birthcontrol lightens your period… just tell her you feel that you need to see a dr about it and just tell the dr that your periods are heavy… simple as that… just dont go to planparenthood because they need a phonenumber and will call randomly to do surveys (lol) that is how my mom found out I was having sex

Answer #4

Talk to her and try to say how heavy your periods are or something to that effect and start talking about how birth control can help with something like that. Or maybe when the two of you are watching tv and a commerical comes on about birth control tell her you’ve been thinking about that and would like to be on it just in case a ensadent of having sex might happen again and instead of just using condoms, you want to be extra safe. She shouldent get mad at you for wanting to be safe, and if she does tell her that. Hope this helps. Thanks for the advice also. =]

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