Why does my rabbit bite my boyfriend and not me?

When we first got our rabbit he would pee all over the room and my boyfriend would get mad and kind of “hit” him, not really hit but nudge him and now everytime my boyfriend holds the rabbit he instantly bites my boyfriend. Do you know if there is anything I can do to make my rabbit not bite him? My rabbit loves me, he doesnt bite me at all.

Answer #1

he obviosly(sry bad speller)dosent like your boyfriend my dog dosent like mine he peed on him…more then once.your rabbits probly jealous

Answer #2

Rabbits are pretty delicate animals…’hitting’ one could get you a dead bunny. My guess is that the rabbit is afraid of your boyfriend, and the only way to end that fear is for him to handle it regularly (wearing gloves)…and loving it up. Build some trust between bunny and boyfriend.

Bunny isn’t scared of you.


Answer #3

Best way to evade predators is to taste horrible.

Your boyfriend obviously tastes better than you do and your rabbit is a predator. Make your boyfriend use your perfume. Maybe that helps. ;-)

scnr (just kidding) the sheep

Answer #4

Everytime your rabbit bites him you should hit the rabbit (not hard, probably like your boyfriend did before). My guess would be that since you are there all the time the bunny got used to you and so it likes you. Your boyfriend probably comes and goes so it’ll take much longer for him to get to know him. What you want to focus on first is teaching him that biting is wrong.

Answer #5

Tell your boyfriend to stop biting your rabbit because thats not very nice is it.

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