how do you know if a bisexual or lesbian is into you?

ey, to all the lez/bi pplz out there, I was just wondering. How can you tell if another chick is gay/into u? because I’ve been going out wit my friends and this girl recently joind my group, and she keeps looking at me and everythin, but im not sure if its just friendly or somethin else…can anyone help?? Ty if you can!

Answer #1

Hmm that’s always a hard one. Most of the time its hard to tell unless they come out. I never told my girlfriend I just flirted. We started out looking at each other a lot and then we just got closer and more touchy and the flirting became obvious then bam she kissed me. All I can say is keep looking and watching the signs the more comfortable the more obvious.

Answer #2

I’m bi n I dnt even noe that….alll i noe is do not ask her if she’s ot she mite get offended

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