What should I do with my thongs?

What should I do with my thongs? Since I don’t want to put them in the wash for my parents to find. I bought them secretly because they say I’m too young (I’m 14?) But I don’t want to put them in the wash because that would be WAY to embarrassing if dad found them. Not so much mom. But dad does most of the laundry. So how do I wash them?

I’ve thought about doing it while they’re out. But I’m always to scared they will come home and wonder whats in the washer!

Answer #1

hand wash them x

Answer #2

Thongs have been out for about a year now. Boy Shorts are the new HOT!!! underwear for women.

Answer #3

Why are you wearing thongs at 14? Comfort? Because friends are? To impress boys?

I’m hoping it’s the first and not the other two. If it is a comfort thing then it should be easy to just explain to your Mom why you have them and ask for her help explaining to your Dad. If it’s for other reasons then maybe the reason you feel uncomfortable with them seeing them isn’t about the garment itself but what they represent you doing. If, IF that is the case then maybe you need to look at what your doing and consider if you should be.

Answer #4

I just washed mine anyway , im 14 too and my parents actually didn’t care that much once they realized that even if they say I can’t have them I will still wear them , honestly letting them know is the easiest way.

Answer #5

You can acually wash them in the sink, with hot water, Laundry soap, and one of those nail scrub brushes. Some people think its nasty and not safe, but some people also do it. I understand you don’t want your parents finding out, but maybe you should talk to your mother about it, maybe she can figure something out for you. :]

  • Advice Girl. <3
Answer #6

Hmmm.. You cant just tell them you wanna do your own laundry?? Do you know how.. Obviously you do, if you are considering doing it while they are away. Hmm if you they wont budge on that, maybe if you have like a bff, ask her if you can wash them there, of when your parents go out,, ask how long they will be gone. So you know how much time you have to wash them. :] Or, the old fashioned way, just tell your Parents that you think you are old enough to wear thongs, && that you want more privacy && wanna do your own laundry.

Answer #7

Hand wash them. Dry them in yur room.

Answer #8

wash them in the sink when you go to take a shower lock the door and wash it then take them to your room and let them dry

Answer #9

Hand wash them in the sink…


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