What's the reason for people despising the LDS faith?

What’s the reason for people despising the LDS faith? It seems like there is no respect for LDS people like myself. I don’t feel that people who are so antiMormon are being respectful. Sometimes I wonder if anyone respects me for that matter. Do people despise us for having four books? or do people despise Joseph Smith?

Answer #1

There is a play on words going around here. Christianity is inclusive. All others are exclusive. There are secret handshakes, and sayings at the temple that no one is ever to know about outside of it. There are secret sayings that go with those handshakes that are blood oaths. What does Jesus say about secrecy? He always teaches everything out in the open. Everyone is invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb!

I must emphasize that Christians NEVER hate a person, just the wrong stuff that we and I say again, WE, Including myself, are all capable of.

My infant grand nephew was “blessed” at an LDS service and the elders huddled around holding him with one hand underneath and have their other hand on the shoulder of the one next to them and do this baby toss on a blanket type thing where they raise and lower the child saying something, I don’t know.

May I divulge the secret handshakes of the Aaronic Priesthoods ((I emphasize the (s) there)) and their sayings as taught by an ex LDS of 32 years?

Maybe I could leave it up to the author, Jim Spencer, who has a four tape series of cassettes titled: Winning Impossibles.

Goodgirl124, you are respected for who you are: a forgiven child of the living God- bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus who created you, not for what you believe or do not believe!

Answer #2

Exclusivist religious people, which generally includes Christians (the super-dominant religious category in th ewest), do not respect any religious beliefs but their own.

…they generally have no problem demanding respect for their beliefs from others though.

Answer #3

to answer captainassassin, the book of mormon was translated into an english that matched the king james version of the bible. it was considered to be “proper” english. if you were translating the words of God, would you write them out in slang? me neither. to goodgirl124, the mormon church has received persecution since it’s restoration. that’s just something you gotta learn to live with. sometimes ignorance can bring you down, but take solace in knowing that ignorance is just that; ignorant. jehovah’s witnesses get ripped on all the time. have you ever met a mean jehovah’s witness? me neither. but everybody hates ‘em. do the math on that. just because they believe some weird stuff. anyways, keep on living the dream.

Answer #4

I’ve always wondered:

When Joseph Smith discovered these ‘metal plates’ (of which just so happened to be buried in his back yard… in New York), why did he, a 19th century American, translate them into ‘’The Queen’s’’ english?

Answer #5

when joseph smith translated the book of mormon, he didn’t just look through the stones and see the words in english. it was a long and arduous process that involved a lot of prayer and fasting. joseph would say things out loud, and then they were copied down by a scribe, (usually his friend oliver cowdry.) afterward, the whole thing had to be gone through and punctuation added. -what joseph received in his mind from the stones would be better described as ‘what was said’ than a ‘literal translation.’ kind of like if you were to translate something verbatim from spanish to english, it wouldn’t work. ‘there goes to the store the car green’ doesn’t make much sense in english, but in spanish that is perfectly normal. hope this helps…live the dream.

…and thus, divergence.

The back story is not believable to ME, but it is to you: which is why you are LDS, and I am not. I cannot prove to you that its wrong, I can only prove to you that I don’t believe it… and vice versa. What I CAN do, however, is appreciate how you know more about the history of your own faith, than most people.

For that… you deserve a cookie…

Answer #6

“…and how or why would the ‘’magic seeing stones’’ know or care what ‘proper’ english is?”

when joseph smith translated the book of mormon, he didn’t just look through the stones and see the words in english. it was a long and arduous process that involved a lot of prayer and fasting. joseph would say things out loud, and then they were copied down by a scribe, (usually his friend oliver cowdry.) afterward, the whole thing had to be gone through and punctuation added. -what joseph received in his mind from the stones would be better described as “what was said” than a “literal translation.” kind of like if you were to translate something verbatim from spanish to english, it wouldn’t work. “there goes to the store the car green” doesn’t make much sense in english, but in spanish that is perfectly normal. hope this helps…live the dream.

P.S. I totally agree with you about the hateful christians thing. not that it’s right, but there’s a lot of people hating going on out there. bummer.

Answer #7

I dont have any problem with diff religions. Until they start judging me or bringing their religion into my life unessicarily.

Which is why some mormans can get annoying… lol

Answer #8

We need to look at Jesus and see how he treats people. He comes for the sick, the broken, the weak, the helpless–and comes to us to help us in our sicknesses, brokesnness, weakness and helplessnes. Jesus does not dispise, but speaks truthfully at all times, even (obviously) to his own harm.

Answer #9

I must emphasize that Christians NEVER hate a person, just the wrong stuff that we and I say again, WE, Including myself, are all capable of.

…NEVER huh? Don’t generalize…

You don’t know ALL Christians, and there’s been MANY who wittingly or unwittingly misrepresent the core principles of their faith. Besides, its GOD who hates sin, not the sinner. Humans by comparison are generally nowhere near that selfless… regardless of what religious doctrines they claim to adhere to.

Answer #10

ooh! I DO love cookies. captainassassin, always a pleasure.

Answer #11

to answer captainassassin, the book of mormon was translated into an english that matched the king james version of the bible. it was considered to be ‘proper’ english. if you were translating the words of God, would you write them out in slang? me neither.

…and how or why would the ‘’magic seeing stones’’ know or care what ‘proper’ english is?

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