What Kinda G.P.A.??

Uuuumm… I’m just concern about this..what kinda g.p.a. do you have to maintain in order to get into a unversity college??? because I plan on going to a 4-year college to become a nurse and I wanna know what kinda grades or g.p.a. do you have to have. SO CAN ANYBODY ANSWER THIS QUESTIOn??? Please Be Positive 2.!!:)

Answer #1

each school varies! most schools usually like 2.5 is a minimum but don’t hold me to that lol. a lot of times it has to do with what program you want to enter and what that individual requirements at each school are..so shop around for a school with requierments that best suit you …good luck with nursing..one of my friends do it its HARD work!! good luck :)

Answer #2

Usually you need above a 2.0 to stay in the school. If you constantly have grades below that they will kick you out.

However, if you are going in for nursing they may make it mandatory that you have a 3.0 or above since you are going to become a caretaker (this is the same rule for people learning to be teachers). That means you need a b average or higher. Its a lot of hard work!

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