
गहराई से डेटा साइंस को खोलें हैदराबाद में प्लेसमेंट प्रशिक्षण के साथ। पायथन, आर, एसक्यूएल, और कटिंग-एज तकनीकों को सीखें। अपने डेटा कौशलों को खोलें

About 360DigiTMG

Who we are

At 360DigiTMG, we are a leading provider of data science courses in Hyderabad with placement opportunities. Our collaboration with SUNY University ensures that our students receive top-notch training in data science, equipping them with the skills necessary to excel in this rapidly growing field. With a focus on practical application and real-world projects, we prepare our students to meet the demands of the industry and secure rewarding career opportunities.

What we Do

Our data science course in Hyderabad covers a comprehensive curriculum that delves into the various stages of the Data Science Lifecycle. From statistics and programming languages like Python and R to advanced techniques in machine learning and deep learning, our course ensures that students gain a solid foundation in data science concepts. With a focus on hands-on learning and live projects, we provide our students with the practical skills needed to succeed in the field of data science.

Why you should use us

Choosing 360DigiTMG for your data science training in Hyderabad means gaining access to a cutting-edge curriculum, expert trainers affiliated with top institutions like ISB, IIT, and IIM, and valuable placement assistance. Our courses are government-approved and offer a range of benefits, including job placement assistance, live projects, and access to industry events. Whether you are a data professional looking to upskill or a beginner seeking a career change, our courses are designed to meet your needs and help you succeed in the field of data science.

What can you ask?

  • What are the prerequisites for enrolling in your data science course?
  • How do you ensure that your curriculum stays up-to-date with industry trends?
  • Can you provide more information about the live projects included in the course?
  • What kind of job placement assistance do you offer to students?
  • Are there any networking opportunities available to students after completing the course?
  • How do you support students who may need additional help or guidance during the program?

By choosing 360DigiTMG for your data science training in Hyderabad, you are setting yourself up for a successful career in this high-demand field. Our comprehensive courses, expert trainers, and practical approach to learning ensure that you are well-prepared to meet the challenges of the data science industry. Join us today and unlock your potential in data science!

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