Vocal Help

I love singing so I want to learn how to sing properly I need some singing advice. how to raise your voice, what to do to increase your vocal to be able to sing higher note.

Answer #1

Your very welcome - I hope they will help you to improve your singing.

Answer #2

Thank You So much. I will try. I dont get the step Lip Rolls that much but I will try thank you

Answer #3

Here are some helpful hints to improve your singing -

Sing songs every day/night to help yourself get better. Also try exercises/scales… those will help amazingly. These are your 3, main warm ups that will REALLY help you out.

  1. Breathing – Vocal Warm-up Exercise Breathing affects the tone. Therefore, you have to breathe deeply by utilizing your diaphragm. The tone of your voice will be fuller and even smoother if you breathe deeply. Practically in this kind of vocal warms-up exercise, you have to put your finger up to your mouth and say, “shhh”. Make sure your breath is gone then just relax and allows the breathe come in automatically. Do this exercise for 5 times as a set.

Another breathing vocal warm-up exercise is slow breathing exercise. Do this by start inhaling slowly and mentally count to until 20 seconds, then exhale slowly until you have again reached 20 seconds. You will be able to control your breathing naturally if you do this about 5 times in every set vocal exercise.

  1. “Lip Rolls” – Vocal Warm-up Exercise Some call it the “motor boat” exercise. In this exercise, you have to put your lips together then exhale to make your lips to sort of flap. The lip rolls pretty much loosen up your vocal chords and they also train your vocal chords after several months of consistent practicing. It’s is to train you to control the flow of air without straining your vocal chord and voice at all. Some how, it’s related to the octave as well. Therefore, for a better result, you can begin this kind of vocal warm-up exercise with a low note first, and then work it up to the higher notes. You can work it back to low from high once you have reach the high one from low.

  2. Multiple Vocal Warm-up Exercises That’s the multiple work outs which provoke more flexible exercise styles. You can start this multiple vocal warm-up exercise with “mum and do nay, yay”.

Next, you have to do a couple of two syllable words to the same scale. “la ga” and “yah”, “ga” is the examples of the two syllable words. You need to open your mouth and relax the jaw when you’re practicing it. And make sure your jaw doesn’t move.

Other tips/info that’s sure to help you - You have to discipline yourself to practicing these vocal strength exercises consistently in order to see the obvious results. I’m sure you will be shocked with he improvement after few months of your hard working exercises. You will realize that your tone will have strengthened and you vocal is voice become clearer, maybe even stronger vocally after few months of these vocal warm-up exercises.

Answer #4

Can you sing? I can sing, just I want to be better. I hear people sing such high note. I want that do I just keep practicing?

Answer #5

I would say take some singing lessons. Raising your voice in pitch is something that should come naturally, and if not, then don’t push it. If you can but it doesn’t sound right, then keep practising until it sounds better. Also remember to breath from the bottom of your diaphragm. It does take practise, but it helps when you can hold notes.

Answer #6

I’ve been in choir for about 7 years and one thing my choir conducter told me that if you widen your lower range and the deeper you get the wider your higher range will get. I don’t know if its the same for guys but I leaned it that way and it has helped.

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