Think before you act

Sex is (im not going to lie) a lot of fun, but it needs to be understood by both parties before you go diving into it. Know how you can get pregnant, how to wear a condom, what bc is the best, and how to deal with a child just incase it happens. dont screw up your life, your partners, or your future kids. Be responsible. Think before you act. Do your research, do it well, as k around, friends, doctors, teachers.

Oh and one little piece of advice, if you’re not ready, DONT DO IT!!! Its a serious commitment, and a lot can come from it. Its Your virginity, and your body, you dont owe anyone anything.

Have fun. If im wrong please hit me up and tell me.

Answer #1

Don’t forget knowing about STDs and STIs too..

Answer #2

Sexually Transmitted Infection.

Answer #3

wait what’s STI?

Answer #4

word up :D

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice