Pregnant girlfriend

I’m 14 and my girlfriend is 15. We had sex for the first time last weekend, and I wore a condom, it didn’t brake, and we thought we were fine, but now she’s having symptoms like she’s pregnant (hungry a lot more, vomiting, stomach cramps, ect.) we don’t want to tell our parents if she really isn’t because they would freak if they knew we were having sex together. What should we do?

Answer #1

okay thank you everyone, your help has been, helpful :)

Answer #2

She needs to wait until she misses her period before she freaks anyone out. The condom didn’t break, so most likely the symptoms she’s feeling is all in her head. If she misses her period, have her take a test. There’s no need to worry your parents if she isn’t even pregnant.

Answer #3

U dont have to have an abortion! there is always adoption!! There are many couples that want a baby and cant have one and would love to raise your baby as there own. However I really doubt that she would already be having symptoms of being preg if you just had sex a week ago…

Answer #4

DONT wait a few months. it will be too late to abort. wiat and see if her next period is late. she wouldnt be having pregnancy symptoms this early. and read the instructions that come w/ the condoms. seriously.

Answer #5

I know we thought it was very unlikely for her to, our first time, but it’s a possibility and a very real one at that, Thank you for your help

Answer #6

Well you said that you had sex for the first time last weekend, I dont think she would already be pregnant. You show more signs 8 weeks after sexual intercorse. So she’s probably not pregnant. Could she be pregnant ? Yes. Buy a pregnancy test in a few months.

Answer #7

I will have to tell them if she’s pregnant, but she might not be, and then I’d rather them not know I’ve had sex with her. I’d rather them not know I’m not a virgin at all, and same goes for her. Charlio we plan on it but she has to wait another week apparently, and yeah.

Answer #8

I would tell her because I am pregant too and I am 14 so I would tell them dont worry adout them freaking out because you were goping to have to tell them enyways

Answer #9

buy a pregnancy test

Answer #10

She would NOT be having symptoms after only a week. It takes the fertilized egg 3-7 days to even attach to her uterus, symptoms don’t happen for at least 1 month.

Most likely she’s stressing out and tricking her body into thinking it’s pregnant. Wait until she gets her period and then go from there but most likely she’s not pregnant, when a condom is used correctly there is only a 3% chance of getting pregnant so stop worrying about it.

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