mini maurey show ex boyfriend with bestfriend now maybe pregnant

well I have this friend who was my best friend but untill she took my boyfriend from me and now im finding out thing I never knew she would do like her and my ex been friends for a miunet now but I’ve been friends with her since six grad and now we are almost sopmores and she gave him her adresss went to his house and now I just found out they had sex and she is almost 16 so I havent been talking to her and im scared because … now I know my ex is not a good person and he telling her he luvs her and all this crap he said to me and and im scared of talking to her cause she might think im jelous of her and that aint it at all im scared she might mess up her life for this boy cause im sure guys cheat because they want something new so eventually he is gonna get tired of her and they already had sex omg she just set her self up for some trouble and im also scared she might get pregnant . some one please help me out give me some help

Answer #1

talk to her about this. you have been friends for a long time, and guys can come in and destroy it in a second. whether she listens to you or not, if you tell her your concerns, at least you will have done the right thing.

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