Is it wrong if im mad at her?

Ok so im relly close 2 my sis and she has been a stripper 4 bout 6 months and I knew bout that and I wasnt upset with her cus she relly needs money my sis has always kinda been a slut but just now I foung out she has been prosituing. And she didnt even tell me I had 2 find out 4rom my frenns older bro. She at least told me she was a stripper im mad at her but at the same time it makes me sickat my stomache 2 thinkk bout her having se* 4 money what if she gets aids or something?!?!!?!?!?!?!!?!? So my question is is it selfish of me 2be mad at her 4 doing this and not telling me?

Answer #1

I’d be pissed. It’s not wrong at all. I think your worried about her. & Thats okay. <3.

Answer #2

its not wrong to be mad at her at all. despite the fact that it is her life and she can do what she wants, she should have told you what she was doing. it was wrong the way you found out. talk to her calmly and just tell her how upset you are that she couldnt have told you and warn her about the dangers in her new job. hopefully she can turn her llife around.

Answer #3

no it’d not. Though I have a feeling your really not mad, rather worried & concerned & becouse of that & the fact she hasn’t told you upset & maybe feeling a bit betrayed(could be wrong), but I doubt mad(but you never know, I’m not you so I don’t know for sure) There are better ways to make money. You need to confront her about your feelings & talk to her about it.

Answer #4

you have every right to be mad on her,(keeping secrets) there are lots of jobs, and this isnt one of this. everybody has some problems and trials. you cant just sit there and do nothing cause its her life, well, she’s your sister and you love her. dont let her do this to himself. dont let her win, dont give up! good luck!

Answer #5

It’s not selfish of you to be mad about it, but at the same time, it is her life to ruin if she wants to…sadly.

Answer #6

I don’t think it’s wrong at all that you are mad at her. Just like thex13thxchild said maybe it’s not all anger but worried. You care about her and don’t want her to get hurt. It’s natural. She should have told you and know that she can trust you. I would talk to her and tell her how you feel if will really help.

Answer #7

yeahh I guess your rite im not mad im hurt she didnt tell me and im upaet she doesnt relize she better than that and worth more than that but how do I tell her that without seriously hurting her?

Answer #8

It appears her life may be in a downward spiral - I would do whatever I could to help her out of it…both of you are in my thoughts and prayers.

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