Does anyone have any horror stories with Zopiclone ?

A few months back, I was prescribed Zopiclone. i took it normally, two a night. until i realized the affects it can have when you don’t fall asleep with it. it makes you high. And not that sleepy drowsy high you get from smoking pot. Ill briefly share my story.

I was having a bad day. My mom just got out of the hospital for being suicidla and i just got out of the group home for being a threat to myself and my family, and doing other various things to land me in there. Id been home for about a week, and i was depressed. I just didn’t know what to do with myself. So I had trouble getting to sleep as i was very anxious. So one night, i took my Zopiclone and laid down. But i couldn’t fall asleep, i was far too anxious and it was driving me mad. So i got up. i started to feel funny.. Good funny. I was laughing, and in a good mood. Then all my bad feelings came crashing down on me. Anger, sadness, grief, disappointment, fear, hatred. And then i went searching, for something to punish myself with. Thats when i found the dog cutting brush. It was still in its original packaging, and was never used. I opened it, and took out the blade and began to slice. i was covered with blood and all i remember was being in the ambulance with people telling me to hold on. Then i was in my hospital room. Being stitched up. And then i was home.In bed. with gauze wrapped around my whole arm, and my whole leg. I had over 100 stitches in my leg, and over 60 in my arm. i quit taking Zopiclone, and got help i truly needed. i never knew how much i was really hurting inside. The moral of my story is - If your depressed, do NOT take this drug.

i would like to know if anyone else has had an experience that wasn’t so great ? P.s This is not a sob story. I did not tell this because i want pity or people to feel bad for me, i only want to raise awareness of this, and the fact that this could happen to anyone. P.p.s I don’t remember anything after i found the blade, until i was in my bed. i just remember the stitching briefly and being in the ambulance. I had temporary amnesia

Answer #1

sorry no i dont

Answer #2

ok lol

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