Pregnant or missing my period?

I had sex last week but a month ago I had sex and I’ve’e been feeling werid and stuff I don’t know if im pregant or im just missing my period I havent also go my perido and im hungry a lot and my bellys getting big I don’t know they say your boobs get big my havent so I don’t know can someone tell me if im not or something plzzzim only 13 I dont want a kid

Answer #1

Signs of Pregnancy.

A missed period – (if your periods are usually regular).

A short, scant period.

Breasts that are sore, tender or swollen.

You feel sick to your stomach, or you are vomiting.

Fatigue – feeling more tired than usual.

You need to urinate more often than usual.

Mood swings

These symptoms most often don’t occur until you have missed your period for about 2 weeks, but this varies from woman to woman, symptoms can occur earlier for some women (sometimes a week after a missed period).

Remember, the onset and degree of pregnancy symptoms will vary from woman to woman and from pregnancy to pregnancy. Many women experience them within a week of conception, others take a few weeks.

If you have missed your period, but have not yet taken a pregnancy test, don’t assume you’re pregnant. Continue to use contraception if you have intercourse and don’t want to be pregnant. Remember that the length of your menstrual cycle can vary. There can be major changes in your cycle when you’re under a great deal of stress.

Before you proceed to get extremely worried, see if you have any of the signs of pregnancy. Signs of pregnancy usually occur one to two weeks after conception, although the they will vary from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy.

If you have any or all of these symptoms, go right away to your health care provider or family planning clinic and ask for a pregnancy test! If you don’t want to go to a clinic yet, buy a home pregnancy test at any pharmacy. (These can be expensive), but this is an important test.

Answer #2

i missed my period for 4days but im not pregnant , what do i have take to get my period?

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