giant sable antelope why has the population decreased?

why has the population decreased? what reasons have caused it to be endangered?

this is for my biology class so if anyone has any info thanks so much!

Answer #1

I was out in south africa over the summer and came across some sable antelope during my safari course. we were told that they were the most popular antelope species. there are a few theories behind it, but it is thought that the decline was due to humans coming to kruger and creating to many watering holes to keep animals in that place and stop them migrating so tourists could stil see them during their winter months. during hte winter months the grass there grows sooo huge and thanks to the water holes all te vegeatation is trampled and eaten and not long enough for the sable to have their babies and rear them out of sight of predators. Another part is that they were widely hunted for their meat befire becoming protected. Kruger is now comencing a project to reduce the amount of waterholes to try and help the species.

Answer #2

well its either they are a good prey , being hunted by humans or an illness that only they can catch haha duno

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