Exorcist, was the Devil in her?

Sunday in church there was this lady no one in our church has seen before.when we were siging and dancing she was acting a little strange I tried to ignore it but when the pastor started to speak she bursted out started throwing chairs and cursing.three guys the do the jail ministries got her outta there .they preached to her outside she dug into their arms and when they started to pray on her she said no dont I am god she had almost 15 different personalities.she acted sexy then like a lil kid who wanted to go home then god and last the devil do you think the devil ws really inside her

Answer #1

It is definately possible that she was possessed with an demonic spirit. Continue to pray for her.

Answer #2

ok, that hardly sounds like mania, so I wouldnt call it bipolar, and it doesnt sound like a personality disorder either , she could have dissociate identity disorder (although a lot of scientists dont believe it exists), she could have been pretending, or yes she could have schizophrenia… I highly doubt it was possession…

Answer #3

no, she jsut has a personality disorder I’ve seen progammes on telelviosion before its quite a strange condition but it happens, maybe shes scitsophrenic?? who knows but she had a mental disorder it sounds like to me,

Answer #4

There’s no such thing as posession by the devil. She was either disturbed in some way, or was putting on an act.

Answer #5

she probably has something like split-peronalities or some mental problem that she hasnt got diagnosed either way it has nothing to do with the devil or she could have just been there for a laugh and decided to piss everyone off its hard to tell unless you know her

Answer #6

she bipolar and it could be a possibality

Answer #7

Yes, there is demon possession and it could be that she was. Those that have answered no, there is no such thing as demon possession do not read the Bible. When you ask people who do not know Jesus as they’re personal Savior instead of reading the Bible to see it something like this really exists these are the types of answers you will get.

Answer #8

I htink she needs to be in a padded cell for while so she can get the help she needs and if you believe in the bible darktaintedangel there is a scripture that speaks of posession tjesus himself battled a demon it may not have been satan himself but he freed a young girl from demonic possession and there have been docuumented reports of possession the exorcist was based on a true event in MO so don’t say it doesn’t happen cause there is proof of it actually happeneing

Answer #9

That means that she is crazy you know people can have multiple personalities like that and thats not good. Posession really doesnt exsit but I think its a possability and if she actually was then I totally doubt that it would be the devil himself. Wow she is just a person that needs some mental help. I RARLY think that something like possesion would happen, lots and lots of people are like her who need help.

Answer #10

well she could have been possed or she could have just multiple personalities

Answer #11

The truth will set you free.

The TRUTH is, there IS no truth… only excuses… yours included.

Yet you refute the truth because you are blind & lost!

You lack the qualifications to tell OTHER people they’re blind… blinky…

Your intellect and disputations do nothing to change the truth nor your eternal destiny!

Yeah they do, they make me unafraid of life, death, and the unknown. I don’t need explanations for the unexplainable.

You have made yourself out to be god in your utterly bankrupt minds.

You’ve made yourself out to be an idiot… and I’M A BELIEVER! AMEN!

“Why do you react so vehemently towards all things pertaining to God?”

I don’t. I react to people who MISREPRESENT the very concept of God.

Truly such things of no merit, as you believe, shouldn’t require much debate.

You don’t even KNOW my beliefs. And you lack the cognitive ability to understand them.

Answer #12

MPD or multiple personality disorder is often due to demonic possession. When people either ask a demon to inhabit their body and/or they dabble in the occult/left hand paths and/or experience great abuse at the hands of another, they can be demon dwelt. Some think this is poppycock, but that doesn’t change the facts. Satan and his demons are masters at deception and they mock everything that is of God. Why do you think those that hate God also do the same? They are demonically controlled, but a born again Christian can exorcise the demons out of one possessed. One must be born again for it takes the indwelling presence of God - the Holy Spirit to enact the removal of a demon.

Since it takes God’s Holy Spirit, much prayer + fasting to get a stubborn demon out of ones being, some attempts fail by those without God truly in their lives. At times a demon may bring several more demons with them to inhabit a person after they are exorcised if the person goes back to the activities that brought the demon into their life in the 1st place.

Answer #13

The truth will set you free. Yet you refute the truth because you are blind & lost! Choose life and that more abundantly through Jesus Christ. Your intellect and disputations do nothing to change the truth nor your eternal destiny! You have made yourself out to be god in your utterly bankrupt minds. May God, the true and living God, have mercy on your souls!
Ask yourselves this question: “Why do you react so vehemently towards all things pertaining to God?”
Truly such things of no merit, as you believe, shouldn’t require much debate. Sincerely ask God to reveal Himself to you and He will meet you at the point of your need.

Answer #14

…you’ve got that TOTALLY backwards..


Answer #15

MPD or multiple personality disorder is often due to demonic possession.

…you’ve got that TOTALLY backwards…

Answer #16

She needs a good double-ball-peen-lobotomy… and pills…

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