Do I have AIDS?

I recently realised how scary AIDs is. My Dad is trying to convince me I dont have aids. I have never had sex. No contact with anybodies blood. And no needles. BUT I have a brown ring on my penis. I read about the symptoms and discolored skin is one. Do you guys think I have it? I am worried.

Answer #1

Stop reading random symptoms online. It just leads to needless panic over nothing. If you had AIDs, really it would be a little bit more noticeable… you’d have far more symptoms… go get a test, it only takes a few minutes, and may be they can explain to you why it is not likely…

Answer #2

No. My boyfriend has the same thing. When your not hard then a ring starts to develop. Like when you where a ring on your finger, a ring starts around there. When your hard it shows. So no, you probably don’t. If your scared about it still, then get tested.

Answer #3

Well it shows when im not hard also and it shows darker when im not hard

Answer #4

You’re probably fine. If you’re so worried, get a blood test.

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