How do I change things to enjoy life again?

Answer #1

If you aren’t enjoying life, then something is making you unhappy. You need to find that thing, and remove it completely, it might be a friend who you don’t really like, or maybe even your job or a relationship. If you continue to be unhappy by something you won’t enjoy life. :)

Answer #2

if you arent enjoying enjoying your life then you should change the direction you are going with it, or try and make others happy.;-)

Answer #3

Well you need to first figure out what is stopping you from being happy. i suggest going someplace you like, or that use to make you happy (somewhere peaceful is good) and just try to not think about the outside world. I’ve done this before and its helped alot. :) good luck

Answer #4

Do things for urself, and just say everyone else.

Answer #5

Find what truely maked you happy weather that be materialistic or love, look out for yourself, use and abuse get to the top and reak the benefits. Think of life as a game… lets say super mario, to reach the end of the next level you need coins. Think about how YOU can make your life better, no one else can help you.

Answer #6

Sweetie we all have a time in our lives where we go through stuff, we stop trusting others, begin isolating ourselves & sort of slip into a state of depression. We know we need to make changes & we know that if we dont we will continue to be miserable…yet there is something that seems to stop us from knocking that blocked wall we put up to distance ourselves from(family, friends, relationships the world in general!) and get sucked into this hole that keeps pulling us deeper under til we feel like we just have had enough. Then we need to break through all of that & say enough is enough…I refuse to continue being a victim. We need to get our feet on the ground and start to take charge of our lives. When the going gets tough we need to be tougher…not run away! You want to enjoy life, really? Then make the decision to get the help you need to begin your journey. Take a self improvement class…learn how to find the old you, so you can learn from your mistakes. Only then will you find what you did wrong so you can learn to forgive yourself for doing it. Once you have you can begin the healing process & start living again, in the here & now…as you see the changes right before your very eyes it will allow you to continue on to the future…just by seeing the progress & positive changes in your life will be rewarding enough to make you happy…when more things fall into place you’ll see…you’ll be glad you did it…Just remember to breathe & take baby steps…they didnt build Rome in a day…neither does making drastic changes in your life. (You can funmail me if you want to talk..always here to listen)

I wish you well my friend… Hope this helped!

Answer #7

dont change things…just do stuffs which u really enjoy..

Answer #8

be a rebel its quit fun if you ask me…do stuff without any limitations…do things that you would benefit from and that will make you happy. Like I joined band and that was the best thing that ever happened to me because I ended up meeting awesome people…..

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