Are there more supportive groups than AA?

Why do I feel like the people in AA are shoving their beliefs down my throat? why do I feel like it’s not okay to just stand up and say, “No, I haven’t read the big book. I’m just here because I know I’m a drunk and I need the presence of others in my boat, regardless of time gone by since last drink or what perhaps your choice of reading has over mine. I’d like to see a 5th year in sobriety like most of you. All I want is to be in the same room with other alcoholics. I don’t read the big book, I read my own books. If my sobriety does not prevail more and more all the time, suggest the big book. But until then, let my system be mine and don’t knock it.”

I find myself at AA meetings wanting to say those words, more than I want to get sober. Is that just how AA is or are there actually some supportive groups out there?


Answer #1

Maybe because they’ve ‘been there, done that’ and they care, so they’re helping you find where true/life-long help can be found - Your life….you can accept or reject, your choice….but remember your choice will have consequences….hope the decision you make will be positive.

Answer #2

I am also a friend of Bill . I use to hate when I was told you have to read the book so I understand. use what you can use at meetings the rest discard it AA is NOT!! tell you that you have to go to church. Maybe you miss understood that AA is drunks trying to help other drunks stay sober.find you someone that you can trust in AA to help you do this .We!!can not do this on our own.I never did . And some times people in AA are full of B.S Don,t your meeting reads how it works .There are others AA groups other there .Try Others But remember my AA sister IT WORKS IF YOU WORK IT that is not B.S. Keep in touch I would like to here from you more . DO NOT GIVE UP like I have many times.Treatment centers are not the answer I have been in twice the work while your there .But you have to live in the real world with real troubles and b.s ever day and I have been in some AA meeting that seem more like social clubs the one drunk helping another like they should I been to some real bad AA meetings that as soon as I left it I got drunk and other things follow .I have2 problems hang in there do not give up please e mail me again.

Answer #3

Some AA groups are rather preachy and part of this 12 step program is turn your live over to God and to recognise an omniscient higher power. There has been a bit of a controversy since courts sometimes order people to go to AA meetings as a condition of probation and since AA groups are religious this blurs the line between church and state. Should the government be able to tell someone they have to effectively go to church? The courts have sided with atheists who objected to having to go to AA as a condition of probation; the courts saw AA as a religious organization.

There is an organization called Rational Recovery (RR). RR does not have meetings like AA but it does provide guidence, counceling, and direct instruction on self-recovery. Rather than being based on the ideology that you have to rely on a higher power to recover from addiction RR is based on empowering the individual and using techniques that other addicts have used to successfully overcome addiction and self-decstructive behavior.

Answer #4

yeap that’s how AA is and it won’t get any better.The Big Book is like the BIBLE to other AA members.But please believe they only want what’s best for you.The Big Book should be read by all AA’s it is very helpful.Just continue what your doing if it works for you and when your ready you will open up to it.

Answer #5

i used to despise all of the “AA lingo” and always felt “judged” or “less than” when i attended meetings. I learned that i was being closed minded, since i have opened up my mind to new ideas and suggestions it does not bother me as bad to go to a meeting. I would suggest that you find a “sponsor” or an “accountability partner” and work with her. Staying sober is not an easy journey, and it is true that “all we have is a daily reprive” Congratulations on your new way of life and you may want to find a couple of meetings that you feel comfortable at and just attend those on a regular basis, you may have to go to several but in the long run it will be worth it…God bless you and just keep doing the next right thing.

Answer #6

try different meetings?

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