Why do guys dislike Twilight?

Everytime one of my teachers mentions the book “Twilight” all the boys in my 8th grade class literally cringe. Can I ask why most guys are uncomfortable about the book? They say it’s gay and they would never read it . . . ever =/ I personally like it, but I’m not overly obsessed over Edward lol. I was just wondering why guys don’t like the subject too much? But please don’t be mean… I’m only asking =)

Answer #1

I read it of my own accord, and thoroughly enjoyed. It is a generalization saying ALL boys hate it, I thought it was fantastic and didnt find it at all gay, lol. Just depends on the boy I guess.

Answer #2

They think they’re being masculine. They think that if all girls like the book, then it must be a feminine thing, and therefore, uncool. If they admit to liking it, then they’ll be labeled ‘girly’ by their male peers. It’s a self preservation thing for most, because how could the genuinely DISLIKE it if they haven’t even read it? There are the few who have read it and truly don’t like it, but they’re the minority.

Answer #3

Not all boys hate it, I’ve forced a few to read it and 4 out of 5 loved it. But you have to keep in mind that its written from a girls point of view… that would make a good amount of guys very uncomfortable. Bella talks about how attracted she is to Edward and all that lovely stuff, most guys don’t want to read about being attracted to another guy. and the reason they say its guy is because they would probably feel gay reading it :P

Answer #4

Because Twilight is crap and has no proper storyline, I really don’t see what all the hype is about. By the way I’m saying this as a girl, not a boy.

Answer #5

Hey, I like Wrestling lodi20 :D

Answer #6

because der freaks twilight is deadly :)

Answer #7

because there jealous of sexxxyyy Edward ! :D

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