Whats up with ladybugs?

The past few weeks as the weathers been getting warmer I’ve noticed these little ladybugs all over the interior of the house. I dont mind them, and I have no real issue with them being in here, im just curious as to why theyre all comming into the house.

Answer #1

Apparently, ladybugs “hibernate” during the colder months so it’s natural they’d seek out places like houses to stay relatively warm. When spring approaches, the ladybugs come out of this state and go about their business. Many of them come into the house rather than going out of it because of the temperature variation.

Answer #2

Are they a kind of dull orange color? If so, they aren’t really ladybugs. They’re a Japanese IMPORT, and they can bite. You can vacuum them up, actually.

Some time in the early 80’s the USDA released this asian variety in the hopes that it would be more agressive than the domestic kind. So, they’re much more helpful in your garden than they are in your living room. The reason for vacuuming them is that if they’re squished, they can release a bad smell AND they can stain fabrics with their orange-ness, lol. I hate them. We usually get them in our cottage in the Fall, but I’ve heard of spring home invasions too!

Try looking up “Asian Ladybird Beetle” if you need more info~!

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