What should I do: get over or give him one more chance?

this guy has liked me since 6th grade (we’re in 11th now) and I’ve liked him off and on since then too but we have never dated. I go back and forth between liking him and just not being able to stand him because hes so inexperienced with girls. hes extremely clueless and its frustrating. in all these years that we have liked each other he has never asked me to hang out or asked me to a high school dance. I always have to make plans with him and I feel like this is never going to change. I dont know what to do.

Answer #1

nooo trust me he really likes me. hes admitted it to all of my best friends because he wants their help with what to do. hes extremely clueless when it comes to relationships which is why I wont date him. I let him go last night and told him I want him to work on his confidence and mature a little bit because right now things arent working but in the future maybe they will. he understood and said he knows he messed up a lot for not being able to overcome his timidness to ask me out. I feel a lot better

Answer #2

Jee he’s just not into you period! If he likes you, he’ll do anything in his power to get you to like him. If you’re the one who always make plan, he won’t respect you. Guys like to hunt, it’s in their nature. If he’s not hunting, then it’s better for you to forget about him because no matter what you try, he will never be into you. This is from personal experience. It’s not you it’s him. Guys are clueless and no amount of “teaching” will ever make him fall for you the way you want him to.

Answer #3

get over him, ull dump him and break his heart, or he’ll say your moving too quickly and hell dump u.

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