what do you think about abortion

do you think abortion is wrong

Answer #1

Babies still end up in rivers and dumpsters, babies are still buried alive, ect. Not a convincing argument.

If the process of carrying a child would be fatal for the mother(or extremely deadly, like with a preteen), then yes, abort.

But even in the case of a rape, I still don’t think it’s right to murder a child, because this is exactly what abortion is. Deciding whether a child lives or dies with planned intent.

Give the child up for adoption, by all means, but don’t punish it for the actions of a horrible man.

Incest? Most people don’t really think about that one. But I guess it’s viable. If the child were predicted to have a series of problem, then ya, abort. It’s not worth it on the child. If the victim is extremely young(like most incest cases), then ya, it’s best to abort. No point in killing two people. If a majority can survive, then sometimes sacrifice must be made. But make sure that b@astard is thrown in prison for a long time, afterwards.

Answer #2

Youngest successful pregnancy I’ve heard of was in the 1930s with a 5 year old girl who had a thyroid disorder. The son is still alive today.

For the most part, the baby would not survive birth from a 9 year old mother, no, or he would die within a couple months afterwards. THe mother would also be at high risk of death. Abortion would very well be justified in this case, as I explained before. But generally, pregnancies at this age are the result of the child’s ignorance being munipulated or rape.

But if you’re some stupid 12-18 year who is informed, or who has an idea of what sex is, at least, and does it anyway, no, abortion is not justified. And if you’re a married 24 year old just out of college who finds she’s pregnant? Definately not(the inconvenience case, as explained before). In these two cases, the both the mother and child have a significant chance of living.

Answer #3

no, abortion isnt wrong especially if its done properly and at the right time before the baby develops its internal organs its an option for women … if they were raped cant afford, take care of a child the condom broke, had a hole in it your not ready to become a mother are mentrally unstable ect for some women, abortion is the only option and it needs to stay an option for them its not however a quick fix for young girls who cant keep there legs closed

Answer #4

Yes, but it’s my own personal belief. I would not have an abortion, nor would I suggest anyone ever have one, but that doesn’t give me the right to judge others or push my beliefs on them.

We all have the right to make our own decisions…mine is pro-life, and that works for me.

Answer #5

I know. Sometimes it’s financially inconvenient for a couple to not have a child, right?

If you don’t want a kid, don’t have sex!

Answer #6

Personal opinion:It’s murder.

Professional:By aborting, you’re killing another potential worker, or possibly the next Einstein, or Leo DaVinci, ect.

Answer #7

I dont believe in taking away god has given you its just not right who gives another person that right…thts why its a sin but I do believe if you have to do it for good reasons then ok…good luck

Answer #8

If abortions were made illegal it would not prevent them form occuring it just goes underground and often the death tolls the result is worse , it is not just babies that are affected …, back street abortionists will crop up that use unsterilized equipment and won’t have the diagnostics available to determine the age of the fetus both which can put the mothers health in severe jeopardy… young girls with attempt to abort themselves with wire coat hangers which could result in vaginal ruptures and unsuccessful abortions… or they commit suicide.

there are many reasons that one may choose an abortion …it is not an easy decision and often done for unselfish reasons and the majority are not by young unwed girls nor is it necessarily because of irresponsibility … no birthcontrol method is 100 % effective

Answer #9

I am pro-choice. Abortion is not a good choice, but sometimes it’s the best choice.

The best choice would be honest sex education and access to contraceptives and Plan B for everyone. That would realistically reduce the demand for abortions more than anything else.

If the pro-life people would push for that, there would be little need for abortions.

Answer #10

abortion is not the right way to go.. your are killing a living human being… so what if you were raped.. its not the babies fault that you were raped.. it was the guys. you should be considered a murderer for abortion but w/e.. if you get pregnant and dont want the baby just put it up for adoption.. easy as that.. no need for killing

Answer #11

okay fau if you put it that way.. tis completely different.. first of all I dont think a 9 year old kid should be able to have a kid anyways… but if that is the case and it is not possibly for her to have it then I dont think its wrong.. unless you can find a different way to where both of them survive

Answer #12


and I stand behind someone making a decision to keep a child or to abort it. (under certain circumstances) this is one area where I seperate from my normally ‘conservative’ beliefs.

in cases of rape and incest- yes, abort.

to bail someone out because they were irresponsible and didn’t know how to say no- then NO- no abortion.

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