do guys get taller?

do guys actually shoot up in high school, or is that just a myth? you see I am an eighth grade girl and 5’8” and I always feel too tall. some guys are taller than me and some girls are too, but not many. what is the average height for a guy in high school? a girl?

thanks!!! :) maddie

Answer #1

oh ya!! theyll grow! I know how you feel! I’ve been 5’8’’ since 7th grade and now in 9th, im 5’9’’. but the school year following 8th, you’ll see a lot of guys get taller, and get deeper voices. not all of em but some.

Answer #2

your my friends hight and she’s also in 8th grade. in in 9th grade, and trudt me they are freakishly tall!!! I know this kid in my grade who’s already 6’3.

Answer #3

I don’t think there is an average - but yeah, a lot of people do hit a growing sprout in high school, not everyone though, I didn’t.

Answer #4

Yeah, most guys do get tall in HS. Not all of them-I’m a senior and one boy in my grade still looks like he could be in middle school. But usually, one summer you come back to school and half the school got a foot taller :)

Answer #5

thanks! :)

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