need help putting my nerd halloween costume together(:

You will see this question posted in the love & relationships section also. Idky but my first one appeared there.

OK so, im being a nerd for Halloween and need help with the costume(: Heres what im doing already…

Im going to like roll up my jeans a couple inches to make them high waters.

Then get some really long knee high socks and let them show.

Ima just wear a plain white shirt wear suspenders(:

Oh! and I cant forget the nerd glasses with tape in the middle.

and finnally to pull it all off ima have a kick me sign on my back. and possibally a gameboy and some pencils sticking out of my pocket

but im having trouble thinking of how to do my hair. if you cant tell… im a girl ahaha

thanks for your ideas!!! oh and also, not only hair ideas are welcome, if you have something that would make the costume better feel free to say(((:

Answer #1

ya and put eye liner as freckles!

Answer #2

I’d wear braided pigtails(:

Answer #3

uhh!!! how do I post this in the right section!?!? everytime I try it comes straight here!!! please help!

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