I have bags underneath my eyes

I really need help some say I dont get any sleep but I do I dont know how to cure it thats why I need you help do you know anything that can take them away

Answer #1

ice cold spoons on my eyes work for me

Answer #2

you can go to a beauty supply store and get something there that can help you get rid of them

Answer #3

Preperation H

Answer #4

you could just get cover up

Answer #5

do you know what its called

Answer #6

yazziexbabey wtf are u takin bout eat muy pollo?? or did you mean “coma mas pollo”??? but anyways on your sub try this website maybe that will help http://www.ehow.com/how_4561659_rid-bags-under-eyes.html

Answer #7

do you maybe struggle with you sinuses? Like a post nasal drip. One of the MOST common causes of bags under you eyes are sinusitis. Go to your pharmacists and ask them for a nasal spray (if that is the case) and your sinuses should clear up in no time.

Answer #8

Some people just get puffy easier than others. You are retaining water. It’s a circulation issue. You might also need to get your thyroid checked so tell your Dr. Imediate things that can help is to cut way down on salt (it makes you retain water) especially later in the day and if you ate something salty also eat something that naturally helps keep you from retaining water like watermelon and lettuce. If you are puffy already and need to look cute later that day, ice and then a warm wash cloth and then ice and then the warm cloth and then ice.
Tea bags also really help. I put a couple in a cup with just a little water, microwave them and then put them in the freezer. Then put the tea-sicles on your eyes. There is something in tea that un-puffs your eyes. Also Aloe Vera and cucumbers. And at the store you can buy St Ives Eye & Face Stress Gel. If I wake up puffy, I put that stuff on and then go for a quick jog. Exercising ups the circulation and really helps.

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