How to Handle Nostalgia?

I have been beginning to become overly sentimental and nostalgic lately, contemplating situations from the past and how I wish I could go back and handle them differently. I may be only 19, but I already am beginning to be effected negatively by this. What can I do to control the influx of nostalgic/sentimental thoughts that enter my psychic realm?

Answer #1

I know exactly how you feel. I’m going through the same thing myself. It always seems like when you look back, the past was better. But that’s when I think of this quote: the only way to make your past a part of your future is to constantly go through life looking over your shoulder. And I don’t want to live in the past. Maybe the present isn’t quite working out the way you like now, but you never know what the future will hold, and things happen the way they do, and it’s out of your control. Best to just have as much fun in the now while the now is still here.

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