I cant handle my autisn any more

I have asbergers syndrom which is a mild verge of autism. I was diagnosed when I was 8 but my perent didnt tell me until I found out by listening to my mums phone conversation when was 11.for a few years I’ve been learning how my asbergers has affected me and I have amost learned to exept.but now as im now 14 its getting in the way of my social life and is making it even harder to handle sociel situations.even my friends say things about how they donttalk to me when others are around because I dont know how to hold my asbergers in when I speek to people.some people at school know I have asbergers and I make out to be cool with it and I can exept it but really it killing me social,emosionaly,phisicly and mentaly.

Answer #1

You are a beautiful young girl and it IS hard having asbergers. Your friends dont know how to handle it. People that dont have your diesease dont know how hard it is. If you really want help, talk to your guidence counsiler or look online for people who have your diesease aswell

Answer #2

Did your parents ever take you to a psychiatrist/psychologist to discuss with you what asperger’s syndrome is? it’s not like a disease… There might be some things that are different about you, and talking to a therapist can help you work on them to help you fit in better, but really it just boils down to you being a little different. What do you mean hold your asperger’s in?

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