How to go down form a size 14 to a size 8?

Please I look really fat and I want to look good before a comptition im going to enter to be a model for a magazine please help me beutitips anything!

Answer #1

Do a lot of crunches to burn stomach fat. Hold your stomach in.

Answer #2

Not all models starve themselves, and I don’t think it’s very responsible to be telling this young girl to do that. My favourite model is Miranda Kerr. She studied nutrition before going into modelling. She eats, and she is gorgeous.

Answer #3

I agree with intense. I know a few models who eat really healthily and excercise well. Only some models starve themselves, but that is NOT the way to go.

Eath healthy and excercise…and you’ll be healthy and look great.

Answer #4

I used to be a 6-8 (which is healthy for my size as I am short.) I have recently ballooned to a 14 as well (due to a lot of stress at work and personal dramas). I have lost 15 kilos in 3 months so far and have another 15 to go. The best way to do this (and how I used to maintain my weight and health before) is not to eat processed carbohydrates. Get your carbs from vegetables like broccoli etc Stop eating bread and pasta!! Basically stop eating flour- it is BAD for you, and has very little nutritional value. Try and have gluten free breads or pasta if you have to but only 1-2 times a week- and then a small portion. Load up on salads- the greener the better! Try and have a big salad or loads of vegetables with every meal. Eat fruit in the morning- and for snacks but try and not snack on fruit after 3pm-ish in the afternoon- most are high in sugars and you dont have enough time left in the day to burn off all that extra energy- get your fruits in the morning so they can keep you energised for the whole day. The biggest difference is in drinking water only- fruit juice has a lot of calories and doesnt fill you up- eat the whole fruit instead- and drink a big glass of water with every meal- it will help you feel satisfied. Eat a lot of lean protein to make you feel full- things like chicken, turkey or lean red meat- eggs for breakfast (1-2 times a week) and oily fish like salmon. Cut out processed foods!- these are bad for you and your body has no idea what to do with them- we are not made to eat processed food- unless you can pick it- pull it out of the ground or kill and grill it- DON’T EAT IT. Sililarly we are the only animals that continue to drink milk after we are infants- dairy is actually not very good for you- believe it or not. It causes a lot of bowel problems for many people and blocks your digestive system, causes BO and sinus problems. Drink a protien enriched rice milk intead and try a soy cheese (tastes like cheese singles and is dairy free!- also low fat- limit this) Use lemon juice on everything- it breaks down fat and is loaded with vitamins and antioxidants- drink a glass of warm water with lemon first thing in the morning and lemon juice on chicken and lamb tastes amazing and tendereises the meat too! See your doctor too and take a good multi vitamin supplement. Aside from the foods obviously get some excercise EVERY DAY too- it doesnt have to be a big gym session- just go for a walk or bike ride for just a half hour. You WILL see the results and feel amazing!

Answer #5

Why do you want to enter this competition? If you are already self conscious about your weight I wouldnt think that entering a modelling contest , something that judges you on your looks, would help your self esteem…

Answer #6

The secret all models use, is not to eat.

Answer #7

Crunches don’t burn stomach fat, they tighten the stomach muscles under the stomach fat. You need to do high intensity cardio excersise like running to burn off the fat to see the muscles.

Answer #8

Intense is right! but the best way to lose weight is cardio it burns fat! about 30-45 min of cardio a day should do it. but crunches arent bad it will probably help you out a little more

Answer #9

No fruit? Eat fruit! and look at some good healthy reciepes to make eating more enjoyable instead of thinking “oh great.. another carrot..”

Do some running in the morning or in the evening. Go swimming or play tennis. :]

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