How stupid is this?

My best friend is 17, and I’m a lot younger than him. He used to be a druggie, and went to jail a couple times. He’s totally different now, but still not the greatest kid. He and his girlfriend have been fighting all the time recently, and it’s making him super depressed. We talked about it once, and he doesn’t even like her. He’s just afraid of being single. So, in his last attempt to not fight as much, he’s decided that on Friday, he’s going to get married to his girlfriend. They are both 17, and she’s still in high school. He’s going to totally screw up his life, right? Personally, I want to slap him in the face right now. I mean, just dump her!! It really doesn’t help that I kinda sorta love him. a lot. And I know, nothing will ever happen between us, because he’s a lot older than me, and we are both dating someone. So please give me some advice on how to convince him not to do this?

Answer #1

Get an adult so they can talk some sence into this boy

He almost ruin his life once does he really want to do it again??

The thing is, is that he is afraid like you said of being single something that he is being forced to when you talk to him bring that up tell him that he should not be doing something he does not want to his got his whole life ahead of him and he is not just going to put a stop to it because of merrage.

But yeah bringing an adult to talk to him someone whit more expiriance will be the best option.

Answer #2

The thing is he’s not telling any adults. He barely even told me. and he’s not being forced into it. He’s the one who wants to do it.

Answer #3

sadly you might not be able to help him… if he blinded by fear. sometime he the only one who can help his self..

but it never hurt to try. you probably gonna have to talk to him for a longg time. try to make him understand that even when he single he won’t be alone. cause he will still have you… things like that

Good luck

Answer #4

You’re completely right that this is a disastrous mistake. But you’re not at all right that it;s any of your business to prevent. If you’re a friend, and it sounds like you are, then you’ve already expressed your opinion, and that is the limit to your involvement in his love life. If he asks you for advice, give it. Otherwise, his decisions and his mistakes are his to make and no one else’s.

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