Girlfriend problem

Well its not much off a problem because I love her anyways but accouple days ago we got on my bed and started going at it but (mind you we have decided to stop at third for a while) but I will pleasure her and then it will go to my turn an she gave me a hand job for a while but then she likes stoped for a while and I had to get her started back up but then the next day she said she had a bad feeling when she went down and started it and she felt just bad and she said everything that I do is fine but I would have no idea as to why she would feel like this?

Also she said she felt bad because I do all this stuff for her and she cant do anything for me

Answer #1

I dont enderstand your question..

Answer #2

Sounds like she is the type of girl who doesnt find doing this kind of thing easy. Give her time and patience. Dont force the issue,and even try and keep things light hearted and without moods. She will get her confidence and will strengthen your relationship as she learns to trust you !

Answer #3

I actually know what your talkin about this girl I was dating for a while was a virgin so I was eatin her out and all this stuff and she would go down on me but she wasnt really any good at it so I didnt get any pleasure and she was saying she felt bad because she couldnt please me and I just reasured her that it was fine and it helped. I dont know if you guys have ever had sex or if she or you are virgins but try telling her that it doesnt matter to you as long as she gets pleasure out of what you guys do . it worked for me . hope I helped you out sum . if you need more help just funmail me .

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