Girlfriend Problem

me and my girl been together for damn near 2 years and we’ve been happy 90% of the realationship. but then while she was in the locker room she heard girls talking about how they like me and think im cute and stuff like that and she has been on my damn case. i mean she is mad at me for them liking me. i tried telling her that we been together for this long i aint gonna just leave her now, and i treat her like a queen and tell her that i really luv her and yet she still thinks that im gonna leave her for them, plus she has a low self esteem so it gets even worse. so wat should i do?

Answer #1

i always compliment her but she always says its just cuz she’s my girlfriend. i mean she’s gonna keep hearing that stuff about from other girls and so far i’ve tried compliments, being extra extra nice, i;ve even tried being mean to some of the other girls that like me. so i guess im shit outta of luck huh.

Answer #2

I see where your girl is coming from. It seems to be irrational but a girl with low self-esteem would probably like for you to show her she has nothing to worry about. Why does she have low self-esteem? Tell her how beautiful she is. She would love bunches of complements. Show her she has no competition. Like she is the “ONE” for you. You say you treat her like a princess but sometimes the princess isn’t truly what she wants to be. She may want something more, something deep. Best wishes for ya’ll!

Answer #3

you should buy her somethin she likes and tell her again that u luv her

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