How long for this odor to dimish after I stopped The Pill?

I was on B. control pills for approximately 9 days but I noticed that an odor was cumin from my vagina when I was on them so I completely stopped, the smell has now decreased but it’s not gone completely. How long will it take for it to completely disappear?

Answer #1

You definitely may have a yeast infection or something like that. Get it checked out. I’m sure she bathes so you didn’t have to say that badasschucky.

Answer #2

u should go to the doc ASAP. it could be more than just a side effect of the pill. you could have an STD like trich or BV. This definately doens’t need to go untreated. If you dont have medical insurance check with your local clinics. do some research and you can find a clinic that sees uninsured patients for dirt cheap and sometimes even free.

Answer #3

I don’t have an std or a yeast infection I’m sure of that. The odor only came about when I started the birth control and since stoppin it has disappeared

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