What do you think about the FDA's control of food packaging?

Now here’s an interesting and well I guess deeper question that some of you may not think about. So I was reading back in the late 1970’s back when the packaging of products was not so strict as it is today that a group of individuals went to several different grocery stores/pharmacies and laced tylenol with the poisonous substance cyanide. Quite a few people as a result ended up dying because of the poisonings. Tylenol was recalled off the shelves from all stores and pharmacies around the general area that these events took place and the FDA started placing stricter rules for companies and their packaging of goods. Back then the only thing that kept you from tylenol inside the bottle was a cotton ball. Nowadays everything is air tight sealed and sometimes double sealed. Why? For the publics protection as we are told. But here is what I find peculiar, even though all of these things that we buy from the grocery store that are packaged are now sealed, still many things still aren’t. Fruits, vegetables, bread (which is only sealed with a twisty tie), and even some candies and nuts and what have you that are in hand opened containers and are drawn out by a scoop by the customer. How have these regulations seemingly passed by a few large components of the food industry? So my question(s) is to everyone and this is just out of mere curiosity, is the FDA just paranoid and should the regulation be so tight on most products seeing as though a good part of what we eat isn’t sealed at all; or should products like fresh fruits and vegetables, breads, candies, coffee’s (things distributed through scoops for anyone at the grocery) also be held to the same standard of packaging as all other things? Has our society grown overly paranoid, or with the rising amounts of mental disorders, crimes, and general demoralization that our world has seen should we be paranoid? (And I’m basing “moral” on what society deems as moral” when I say demoralization). Honest curiosity as I have come to read a lot about the FDA and things that have gone on the past. And one more question, do you think something will happen to the above mentioned products that will lead to laws that cause fruits, vegetables, breads to be more strictly contained? Thanks for any feedback, this curious mind would enjoy your answers!

Answer #1

You ask a question about food packaging, and just because you didn’t get any quick answers you automatically assume it’s because you’re being ‘too deep’ for the other hundreds of active users on this site? Get over yourself, sir.

As for your question, I think they need to have stricter laws against how they can have a package that is twice as large as needed, but full of air. A little moving space is fine, but as is it is ridiculous.

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