corrupted leaders

We are living in a corrupted world, full of evil, the strong is controlling the weak, the rich is stealing from the poor, and so on, and what are the leaders doing, I guess amusing themselves in attacking other countries, like America who accused Iraq of having masdestruction wepons, what a lie, could we change this system. We have a perfect life guidance which is the bible full of knowledge, wisdom, and truth, why can not rulers and leaders follow this perfect book of life?

Answer #1

There are lots of good things in the Bible. I wish more Christians read, understood, and believed the Bible and fewer were led by religious leaders with their own political and social agendas.

Our best bet would be a return to the Enlightenment values that our nation was founded on.

Answer #2

We have a perfect life guidance which is the bible full of knowledge, wisdom, and truth, why can not rulers and leaders follow this perfect book of life?

Sorry to break the bad news, but that book is FAR from perfect…they even having people KILLING others in the name of their god in that book.

Plus not everyone is Christian…I don’t see why your beliefs should apply to those that aren’t.

Answer #3

Consider the possibility that religious leaders are just as corrupt as national leaders, and that you may have been sold a bill of goods.

Answer #4

Do you have any idea how much harm has been inflicted on the world all in the name of religion? Many leaders use the bible for justification of their actions. I would rather have my politicans use intelligence and the constitution instead of taking their cues from the bible. My guess is that you would want the leaders to use the christian bible, which pretty much omits the rest of us. We have separation of church and state in this country and I am thankful that fundamentalist butt kisser Bush is gone.

Answer #5

It may seem like evil is wining out now, but God is patient and desires all people to be saved. We live in a fallen world , since the fall of Adam and Eve. Satan is loose for a period of time to deceive people and lead people to hell. But don’t worry about all the injustice you see, the Bible tell us to be in the world but not of the world NOTW. God tells us that he will repay evil, and every person will stand before Christ and give account of good and bad deeds done in the body. God is real, He is just and He is going to kick some booty one day! Keep Faith Sister! Blessings

Answer #6

They have turned their backs on God - ‘There is none so blind as he who will not see…Refuses - Judgement Day, we’ll all have to give an account - I just hope all the names of people here are found in the Book of Life that day.

Answer #7

Do you know what theft is? If I buy a television for 1k, I agreed to pay it, I was not FORCED. I have never walked into a store where they pointed a gun and forced me to buy somthing.

Answer #8

Because not everyone believes in following a book written forever ago by people who were probably tripping on something and talking to god.

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