Why can he only last a little less than 10 min

Me and my f*ck buddy have been having sex for almost 2 years now And ever since I can remeber its been less than 10 min

He tells me that he doestnt know why but with me he cant last long He always cums really quickly

Should I talk that are a bad thing or good ?

Answer #1

whats brinkmanship ?

Answer #2

hah..im a dude also..not had sex yet though..im 15…getting ready to do it one of theyse days…no idea how long ill last with the real deal…hah..but I hear condoms add some time for ya..but..let me know if you have a time frame that I should last for

Answer #3

oh well I guess it means you doin ya job rite lol! well did you give him head before? because that mite b y…but dont trip because my friends boyfriend only lasted 45 secs so you lucky compared 2 her! =)

Answer #4

Around ten minutes wouldn’t really be considered premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation is when he can only last for a couple of minutes at most. Why not try some brinkmanship? Go until he gets to the brink, then stop and let him eat you out while he calms down, rinse and repeat.

Answer #5

It means to have sex until he’s about to cum, but stop right before and wait for him to calm down a little, and then go again. While he’s calming down he can eat you out or something.

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