Who thinks I am a hoe/whore?

Ok so im 14 and when I was 13 I had sex 11 times(with the same guy). After a few monthes people started to find out, and now people call me a hoe. And all of the guys think that I will do it with them but it bugs me because like honestly im not the neighbour hood whore!

Anyways, am I a hoe?

Answer #1

-_- its illegal to have sex before your 16, so if that guy is older then u, he can be arrested. Not to mention I’m 14 and I’m not planning on sex for many years. In my opinion, I would say you are, because even if it’s the same guy, It’s still WAY too young. You havnt even ‘grown’ mentally and physically, so sex shouldn’t even be on your mind D: Gross…

Answer #2

No you are not a hoe, don’t listen to them. At least you did it with one person. Thats all that matters, although you should’ve waited until you were a little bit older. See whats pisses me off is when a guy can have sex with like 3 girls 11 times each, and it don’t make him a hoe or smoething like that, So im just like forget those other comments hun, you are NOT a hoe.

  • Advice Girl, (:
Answer #3

Yes you are.

Answer #4

NO ! Having sex 11 times with the same guy doesn’t make you a hoe. If the guy you had sex with spread this info around, you need to stop seeing this guy because he is the one at fault for people calling you a hoe. If you had sex with 11 different guys, then it might be a different story.

Answer #5

I don’t think that is a good reputation to have and obviously you don’t like it. But just don’t let a bad choice ruin the rest of your life. Just use your experience to advice other young girls who are thinking into doing the same and just be very picky about any guy you wanna go out with. They all now know that you put out and will be lying to you and tell you they love you just so the can get some.

Answer #6

A little bit, yes.

Answer #7

yes 13 and you cant control your vaggie, oh common am almost 18 and cherish my virginity, I tell my boyfriend of four years am just not ready.

Answer #8

dr anderson I agree!

Answer #9

you kept count :S how exactly did people start finding out?

once you have a reputation their pretty hard to get rid off…

Answer #10

You’re not a hoe at all. It was the same guy and you’re even saying you wouldn’t go and do it with people who think you will. A hoe would do it with anyone.

Answer #11

well in my opiniion no you are not a hoe is a chick that like in my cousins school had sex with like almoust all my friends and she started putting out when she was 12 and I have a lot of friends. one dude no you are not I mean I agree with qcumbr1

Answer #12

Not everyone will agree as you see, but the few that say you are, Just imagination what all the people at your school are saying behind your back. Just remember most guys think they’re studs so they are going to go back and tell the world. I know this from personal experience.

Answer #13

ALL of you people who said yes, are completely wrong, and to say the least, its insulting to the human race how you all can be such ignorant fools! where in Dora77’s question did she say she was paid for it? where does it say that there was a transfer of money for the sex? NO WHERE! so once again, those who say yes to her being a hoe should reconsider giving advice and get a little “act right” and a lot of “know how” she is not a hoe for having sex with ONE guy eleven times..how many times have your parents had sex? would you label your mom a hoe? dora is no hoe, however, she is irresponsible for having sex at 13 years old 11 times..furthermore, it was irresponsible of her to have sex once at 11 years old. Mind your morals..they’ll help you in the long run


Answer #14

ok katilou girl of w.e your real name is you stfu , I did love him alright and I still do even tho were nto together so you can shut your fucking mouth dont answer my questions ! (no efence) and no it isnt illigle cause I live in canada and there is no stupid sex age

Answer #15

You are not a hoe for having sex with this boy… But you are silly for it. You should have waited until you were older, more mature mentaly and physicaly. sex these days is a meaningless thing, and I HATE that, sex is supposed to be about being intimate with someone you love and/or care for and showing effection. If you ask me, Girls of your age having sex, is so so so so wrong, for many reasons. if the guy is of a legal age, then what he did was ilegal, it was ilegal anyway because you were only 13!!! you cant possibly have feelings for this boy… and you probably only had sex wtih him to boost your self estteem or some bull. My advice to you, is keep your legs crossed until your much much older, as for your reputation, its due to your own mistakes so deal with it. If you give no reason for anyonet to call you a hoe they wont, my best friend was the neighbourhood bycycle so it seemed for a while, she stuck it out and has lost that reputation and is with the guy of her dreams, NOW she is in a position to be having sex. maybe you should wait until you are too.x

Answer #16

you are young…really young. Live your life. Do what makes you happy. Don’t kill of steal and use protection. No regrets. Life is to short. Remember you have control don’t give that up. Be cool.

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