When your 16 is it still ok to masterbate?

If you started to masterbate what do you think is the best way near people or in the bathroom or in you room if you don’t have a roommate

Answer #1

rolls eyes


Answer #2

sometimes I cry so much that I hurt myself is that wrong to

Answer #3

no I live in a house with 4 girls

Answer #4

in your room it shouldn’t be something you do around other people or in public.

Answer #5

masterbation is a normal healthy pastime enjoy yourself dont worry have fun you are perfectly normal

Answer #6

It is perfectly ok to masterbate at any age…

Answer #7

This seems a bit vague, do you want to masturbate so that your roommate can see you or do you want to do it around that person. Masturbation in essence is stimulating of ones genitals for self pleasure. From what I recall though people masturbate each other, usually girls would do it to there friends for the sake of a powerful orgasm. Now the choice is entirely yours on how you want to masturbate. Your friends are rather naive for judging you just because you masturbate. The orgasm from masturbation is actually very healthy for a girl to have so your the one that is benefiting from it. I would seriously advise you to get some new friends, the ones you have seem sadistic.

Now if you want to know where to masturbate, that would be dependent on how comfortable you are. The bathroom is the most common spot due to the fact that its secluded from the rest of your house. Sometimes teens take advantage of when their parents aren’t home and do it on their parents bed. Once again try it where you feel most comfortable.

Generally speaking, masturbation is usually done alone but no one ever said that you can’t have someone to do it with. That someone though should be someone that you know very well and you feel secure around.

Ussually it is better to do it alone, this is an alone activity, I mean also doing whit girls can bring wrong feelings and all

Don’t pay any mind to this, your not going to be a lesbian or bisexual or anything of that nature. You can only say that when you find a girl attractive. There aren’t any wrong feelings from doing it with a friend.

Now why is that your hurting yourself because of your friends? Friends aren’t supposed to hurt you they’re supposed to be your supporters. If your friends aren’t doing that then they aren’t your friends. I think you need counseling about this, hurting yourself is one of the symptoms of depression and you should try to remedy this before it gets out of hand.

You can masturbate at any age, just because your friends criticize you about it doesn’t mean you should stop doing it.

Answer #8

well I all I can say is im bisexual I see it and I like boys and girls

Answer #9

but it is hard for me because when I do it in my room because people think I am gross and I say that sometime in life all people do it is that right

Answer #10

WHY are you even asking this questions?


NO… not ALL people do it, but most healthy people do. The reason they say you’re gross is because they’re still young and naive, and too insecure and embarrassed to admit it. But they STILL do it.

Answer #11

Ussually it is better to do it alone, this is an alone activity, I mean also doing whit girls can bring wrong feelings and all. It’s torolly ok to do ir at 16 most people start in their pre-teens, but yeah is more something that you can enjoy alone,

Answer #12

This is wrong hurting your self is not the answer. Manny times hurting your self can become an addiction balieve me it can become a really bad thing. Find someone to talk to and let them know how yu are feeling, it’s better than just cutting your self and regreting it latter.


If you find nowone I’m always here if you want you can funmail me.:)

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