What is there to Do on a saturday night Alone

Lol this is nothing special. Just really bored soo I got on this just seeing whats going on with people

Answer #1

u know, I used to go on a date every other saturday; can’t now that him and I broke up :( so, I just stay @ home, play my guitar, and sing to my favorite heavy metal songs. it’s like putting on a concert, only there’s no live audience or stage fright involved. I’d have more fun if I was with someone though. it all cool.

Answer #2

talk to mee :d If your bored , im like bored too , but… im funny . so … its all good , but im relaxing tonight , alone too , on a saturday night , bored , so I feel your pain .

Answer #3

writing a paper on mental illness in india, my life is sad…

I dont know to be honest, answer questions on funadvice?

Answer #4

I’m just hanging out not doing much of anything on this Saturday evening. Well, being alone on Saturday, you could just hang out at home, or hang out with friends. Whatever you feel like doing. I love Saturdays since I get to hang out at home and watch TV and not think about anything. I love the weekends all together.

Answer #5

umm play on the computer all night.

Answer #6

masturbate 100 times

Answer #7

watch movies.. why cant you have someone over

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