How can I get my parents to let me dye my hair?

omg I really really want to dye my hair but my family mainly parents does not allow it. I don’t know if they just think it’s weird or only fags do it or something els! well Im 15 years old people refer to me as emo I relly want to dye my hair in pieces like either blonde or blue but my family wont let me!!!I come from a pinacostal family but not like super christian like my girl cousins can wear make up have short hair dye it wear pants I want to wear eye liner they also wont allow it but I can live with out it but the boys cant wear make up(I want to wear Eye liner)if they wear tight clothes its not normal oh! I almost forgot Im hispanic but my cousins on my dads side (which have a crap load more freedom) have their hair dyed anyways I’m at a point to were I have to do it but what do I do?convince them make them feel like I hate them?or rebbel and just go for it! ugh I think a big reason why is cause some fagot cousin of mine dyed his hair and well they made him cut his hair what a queer I think he ruined my chances who ever you are out there somewhere please tell me what to do!I’m begging you!give me your advice!

Answer #1

Just buy some dye and do it. Try doing it at a friends house, cause after you have the dye in your hair, what can your parents do?

Answer #2

You could always just dye it at your friends’ house. Or you could always be a suck up… clean up the house… everyday for two weeks and then ask… Don’t hesitate to choose.

Answer #3

You could always just dye it anyways. Of course, if you wanted your parents to accept it, you should probably try temporary dye, so they can see what it would kind’ve look like once you dyed it. And if they like it, then go ahead. If they don’t…Sneaking to your friends house or doing it when they aren’t home is always an option.

Answer #4

I have the issue too im allowed to wear wht evr I want im a guy and I want to dye mine black but my mom wont allow percings or dyed hair I’ve already got in trouble for percing my lip and I had too take it out but I cant convince my mom to let me dye my hair ugh

Answer #5

Just say stuff like: It’s my hair, I should be able to do what I want with it. I’m a teenager. It’s not your life, don’t try and make it. If it does turn out bad, then I guess it’s my fault and not yours. Would you prefer I started smoking and drinking? If you don’t let me do what I want with it, then I will only rebel even harder another time with something worse.

*if all else fails, then get highlights or strewaks or something, so its not fully blue, but its still blue kinda ^_^ Hope this was usefull

Answer #6

Wow. i use to have this problem. and it sucks i kno. what i did was just keep asking and asking and i said that i would pay for it.. i took a couple of months to let me do it but they finally gave in. hoped i helped lol

Answer #7

Just say stuff like: It’s my hair, I should be able to do what I want with it. I’m a teenager. It’s not your life, don’t try and make it. If it does turn out bad, then I guess it’s my fault and not yours. Would you prefer I started smoking and drinking behind your back? That’s whats gonna happen if I can’t do something small like dying my hair!

*if all else fails, just get streaks in it. It’s like saying “ya, I did it, but I still respected your decision and didn’t get it ALL done”

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