Such things as ghost?

So about a year ago, one of my oldest brothers friends was killed. His mom told him not to drink and drive, so he didn’t. He walked home from the bar he was at and was killed by another drunk driver. Anyway, the night of the funeral it was storming pretty bad, and we lost power. I went in my room and laid down and tried falling asleep. But then I heard someone whispering “Sarah.” “Sarah” And I got up and looked around my room, but no one was in there. So I lay back down and heard someone say “Sarah, it’s me.” twice. I ran out of my room into my moms room, and sat down on her bed. She was just sitting down and I told her what happened. She just laughed at me, thinking that I was just trying to be funny. And when I layed down on her bed she whispered. “sarahh.” trying to scare me. And I started screaming and said “DID YOU HEAR THAT?” And she looked freaked out and said “Sarah that was me that time, maybe he’s just trying to tell you something.”

Do you believe in ghost? I thought it was pretty weird. And ever since then weird stuff has been happening in my house. Like my moms door will close for no reason, or my television will just turn off, and the lights flicker on and off for like two minutes. My little sister gets pretty freaked out.

Answer #1

There is such thing. Because when I was ten there was some person in my room and it was at night I saw someone walking in my room and I always here footsteps in my house still like things go off and I am 13 so there is such thing so I have to deal with this every night you are lucky you are not me.

Answer #2

Most people are not affected by the spirit world, only a certian few. Most choose to not have anything to do with it, and this is wise. However, that does not mean that it does not exist.

And like trisara said, spirits usually only manifest to ones that are sensitive.

My own daughter, had an experience like this, when she was small, and I have heard of others, even though, I do not understand it. My previous answer leaned toward believing that all spirits are evil… I have come to believe otherwise, since writing that answer.

My daughter considered the spirit to be a friend, in fact one that came to play with her.

We had built a new house, with a basement, and before moving into the house, my husband was working in the basement. He was shook to the core, by a very loud and piercing scream.

He is not one to run from something like this, even though it was scarry. He did not tell me, until years later, so that I would not be afraid.

He kept it to himself, until a time, when I would be ok with it.

I’m glad it was him and not me… I guess he knew it would be more than I could handle.

I did however feel energy sometimes, when leaving the basement, and he said he did too, after I brought it up, and he would quicken his footsteps. I did too, but, I choose to believe it was not real. But, it was.

This is the same place where our daughter grew up, and where the friendly spirit played with her. She did not tell us, until she was grown. Again, I do not know why.

Other people rented that house, when we moved elsewhere, and the word came back to us, that they experienced spirit activity there.

I know of several other experiences, that sane, rational people have had, even though, I do not understand it.

I used to class spirits in one or two categories. Angelic, or demonic. Now, I am not quiet sure. The child spirit, does not seem to fit either one.

It would be interesting to hear others stories on this. Also, anything that the bible says about the subject also.

Answer #3

I dont call them “ghosts” but yes we live in a Spiritual world. I never believed in those things until I saw some unexplained images in my pictures. I used to tease my friend horrible about it when she would show me her pics and point things out, but..yes, there are Spirits.

Answer #4

God is a spirit, and his spirit.. comes to live within us, when we receive him.

We have a spirit, and a soul, and we live in a body.

We can be affected by the spirit world.

The bible warns us to not have any dealings with the dead.

The reason for this, is that negative spirits can seduce us into following them.

Many are ensnared by their attractions.

The Occult, is fueled… by negative spirits.

God is a positive God… he will lead us in a way that is good for us, however, he does have a counterpart.. and he is continually trying to get our allegiance.

Not all are affected by the supernatural.

But many are.

And this kind of activity is not of God.

You are being interferred with, and if you have God living within, you have the power over this. You can command it to leave… and it has to obey… unless there is unconfessed sin in your life. Sin attracts spirits.

If you are not comfortable dealing with this, contact someone who is. Not a spiritualist.. but, a Christian. One that had an understanding of the spiritual world, and knows the ways of the enemy. They can cleanse your house of this presence, however, the bible says that once the enemy has been removed.. we have to keep the house clean… meaning.. to fill it with the presence of God, and his word, his will, his worship etc.

The enemy flees when worship music is played… he cannot stand it.

Answer #5

If you look for something you want badly hard enough you’ll find it, whether it’s there or not. I bet those lights flickered before, but now that you’re hypersensitive to unusual things they’re grabbing your attention.

I’d try to focus on your feelings about his death at this point. Don’t become tied up in examining everything around you for ghosts, and for the love of god don’t give any money to mediums. Those people are cold-hearted frauds who prey upon the grief of the bereaved in order to make a buck.

If you’re always looking for him, thinking he’s trying to talk to you, you’re going to be forever stuck in the middle of the grieving process, and that won’t do anyone any good. If your friend really was around, he’d probably want you to start moving on and making the most out of your life, not focusing on his death. Talk about his life with the people who loved him. Honor his memory. Don’t twist it into something bad.

Talk about it. I bet you’ll find things work themselves out.

Answer #6

yes there is. Everyone has the power to see them but most people are too afraid or undeveloped in the abilities. it runs in my family, this trait, each person it varies really. I’ve always been very sensitive and when I was little I got so scared ( when you’re sensetive a lot of negative and bad things get attracted to you) so I would see bad things. there were several ghosts which “clung” to me, so to speak, as in followed me around. I named them Squishy and MoFo. very annoying, ugly little things. well squishy wasn’t a ghost, he was an entity. anyway…yes, very real. did the temp. in the room change? when a being is in the room it gets colder and you can usually sense a magnetic shift. something will like “it’s just not right”, the hairs on the back of your neck might stand up. I suggest you research these things, it’s a very interesting topic. Stuff like Astral Projection, Extra Sensory Perception (ESP), metaphysics, kinetics, clairvoyance, etc etc…seems like you’re open already, but if you wish to do more and expand your “vision,” so to speak, some sites will give you excercises and stuff. I would start with Astral Projection (aka out of body travel.) Simplest one to do and very interesting. also puts your astral body in a state that would be easier for your friend to connect with you. what’s happening in your house is very real. He sounds pissed off, or scared. Ghosts don’t know they are dead 99% of the time. Imagine waking up and no one can see you or hear you…

Answer #7

Are there such things as ghosts? No. People latch onto the idea of ghosts because they don’t want to accept that death is the final and permanent end of consciousness.

Answer #8

No. There’s no ‘evidence’ of ghosts that can’t be more simply explained by something else - such as someone hearing things that aren’t really there.

Answer #9

I wouldn’t necessarily label them ghost, but more of spirits. and yes, I believe in them. I’ve had a few lightweight paranormal experiences, but nothing too bad. however, my father and grandfather have dealt w. some things that most people, who believe in spirits and such, would consider life threatening. maybe he is trying to tell you something. hopefully, nothing of bad word.

Answer #10

Believing in ghosts is like believing in God.

There is no way of proving they exist, but there is evidence to support a belief that they exist… and vice versa…

Answer #11

Oh, something I forgot to add was that I don’t see why he would want to talk to me? I was probably between the ages of six-nine when I knew him. And I haven’t seen him since then because we moved.. It’s just weird to me.

Answer #12

there ARE such things as ghosts. =) xx

Answer #13

Next time you hear it ask what it wants If it tries to cause harm to yuo then banish it

Answer #14

lol. Thankss I’m actually half black. But I am pretty tan. it’s just how I edited my pictures :]]/

Answer #15

damn girl your so white I thought you were ghost trisarahtops

Answer #16

Yes, I do belive in them.

Answer #17

yes spirits

Answer #18

Ever since I was a little girl I have believed somthing is following me around. I myself had lights flicker, tv turn on or off strobe light go off, things wud fly off shelves. I’m also not the only one to notice it I’ve had probably 6 diff erent friends experience it with me even my mother has come to believe it, because when I wasn’t even home things would happen in my bed room. Now that I have moved out I even noticed things at my old house that would go on, as in xbox would turn on, radio even with my young daughter I wud not let her sleep in her room because of a couple of times that I did try it I kept monitors in there and I would here someone walking in there so I wud have my boyfriend check it out as soon as he got by there it wud stop, at the time I lived in the country and no one had any babies around there that wud have there own monitors so it couldn’t pick anything up. I have just recently moved again I’ve been at our new place for about 2 wks and have already started noticing that my cat keeps getting out of the laundry room after me shutting the door, its happend 2 times already. Some people may think I’m crazy until you experience it with me. Its happend so much that I kinda feel a sence of relaxation its never done any harm it juat lets me know its there. People tell me its my gaurdian angel and I believe them I’ve been threw so much in my life that its nice to know there’s somone watching out for me.

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